An outspoken personality with a ton of influence and a passion for film, Kemiyondo Coutinho is paving the way for other filmmakers in Uganda. Everybody needs a chance, right? Well, she thinks so, therefore she started a fundraising campaign dubbed FiveFor5 Fund, which is first of all fun to say (seriously, repeat quickly it five times over) but also a chance for 5 female filmmakers in Uganda to get funding to make 5 minute short films.
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You may know her from her prior projects, including a film called “Kyenvu” or the “A Ka Dope” events. She is clearly passionate about the arts, and prefers not to eat alone.
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She started the campaign earlier in November, and as she announced in an Instagram post today, she had reached her goal on the fundraiser. She wanted to contribute $25,000 to 5 filmmakers, of which $19,000 was to come from the indiegogo fundraising page, $4000 from local contributions and $2000 as her own contribution to the project.
Well the indiegogo fund garnered $20,200 which means for those lucky filmmakers, the bag has been secured and they can move with the fierceness towards their goals. We definitely need more quality entertainment that stems from this country, and the fact that women in film have been given this chance to advance just fills our hearts with excitement! The future of film is female, and we have no option but to stan. Move over Wakaliwood!
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So those aspiring filmmakers/writers out there, apply for the opportunity to share your art, it needs to be seen! Also I just finished the last season of Grownish and need something to watch so….
View this post on InstagramUgandan Women! Apply! Apply! Apply! Tag 3 writer/directors who should apply!
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