The collection that started the fashion week came in with a neutral-natural bang, as it was made of blue denim and bark cloth. It had hints of rafia and lots of cutouts that gave it a bohemian, festival feel.
There was also this undeniable distressed feel to everything, some looks felt like they had gone through a lot to get there. The cutouts and patchwork designs were deliberate to his cause.

We caught up with Sonco after the show, this is what he had to say about the collection, “My collection was inspired by war; I went to Northern Uganda and did research about war – LRA war. So when I came back to Kampala, the designers have this inspiration and I had to find out what problems they face. Now like in Kampala, we face the challenge of second hand clothes, whereby within the long run, designers are going to have no jobs since the second hand clothes are really cheap. So I decided to create a collection inspired by war, and then the reason I used denim, you know it takes about 61 litres of water to create one denim, and it doesn’t even take people that long to wear. Just a few months and then wastes it. So I made a collection using denim to help people recycle, then there’s bark cloth; whereby I’m trying to introduce a natural fabric which people forego just because it’s not sustainable; you can’t wash it. So I’m trying to create awareness, so that people see that it is a reliable option. So I have a run, whereby I’m trying to get a solution to the problem. A friend of mine has tried to do something, he has made a bark cloth which can wash about 3-4 times without getting spoilt, so I’m trying to collaborate with him so we can create something like that.”