
‘When I met Love’, A Poem About Falling Love

Do you remember when you fell in love, how it felt and what you saw!

Finally the month of love is here and Valentine’s day is just days away. Let’s start it off with this special POEM from Mugisha Praise, a Ugandan poet and free lance writer.

When I met love is special poem about how we fall in love with people and different beautiful things. And the rareness of things that attract us to them. Do you remember when you fell in love, how it felt and what you saw? Love is a beautiful thing, I hope you enjoy this piece.


When I met love

She was a woman

A beautiful black flower

That had lost its petals

But in some way, it had survived

Through pain and loss,

That’s when I knew

I couldn’t let her go!

When I met love

He was a man

His fore head layered with history’s lines

And his eyes colored with grit

As black as the night

It seemed to sip from his skin

That’s when my heart was split

I just wanted a kiss

When I met love

It  was a pet

On a cold, misty evening

It looked at me with intent

The kind of stare that says

If you don’t help me, no one will.

It was  going to be a cold long night.

We both knew we needed a cuddle

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