The March 2020 Issue

Design Brand To Know: Martha Jabo

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Martha Jabo is a designer who, after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree from the Margaret Trowell School of Industrial Design and Fine Art – Makerere University, majoring in Fashion Design, she debuted her first collection in Kampala, December 2011. In January 2012, she founded the Martha Jabo fashion label which is the embodiment of several generations of style rolled into one. Her signature style encompasses elements like fabric manipulation, use of chain details, and more.

“Priscilla Ray has an editorial look.” She adds, “With the pieces being high fashion I believed they would be well represented.”

“The turquoise outfit is from my Spring Summer 2018 collection” she explains about the first look. “The inspiration behind the pieces is the night ocean that changes color and form as a result of the reflection from the stars and night sky. The palette I used mainly comprised of dark cyan, teal, steel blue, light sea green and turquoise, representative of my inspiration.”

She did more than one look though, and about the second she said, “The gold & off white pieces are inspired by the Victorian era in history. It was a time when clothing was elaborate. The look is a blend of Victorian style and the simplicity in today’s modern style.”

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Fashion, Beauty, Weddings & Entertainment

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