I’ve always thought of writing to you but I keep postponing, however, it was once quoted ‘life is too short, there is no time to leave important words unsaid’. I cant waste more time.
Having all the 5 of us wasn’t a small issue to deal with, the labor pains, morning sickness and all that you had to endure makes you a hero.
Raising us in a highly populated area of Mukono with high costs of living, educating all of us and we managed to attain high levels of education was another big task,
Looking back I remember when you used to wake up very early in the morning to prepare our breakfast, uniforms and even snacks we had to eat after school at 5 pm because you also had to go to work.
When we became teenagers, all men’s eyes around the area were over us but your constant advice, your kin eyes and Mothercare helped us through these temptations, you never lost control or neglected any of us, you are really a super mum
We are here now grown into respectable ladies, many are proud of us but we are proud of you, you raised us in a humble way.
As I grow older, my appreciation and admiration towards you increase, nothing I can compare to you, not even silver or Gold.
Nabulya Winnie
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