
The Case Of The ‘Tiny Little Sausage’, And All The Drama This Week Offered Us

Was it you Jack Pemba?

Love drama? Here is a dramatic take on the most dramatic entertainment stories of the week which you probably missed as you drooled over the great fashion on our platforms.

Was it you Jack Pemba?

A sex video which reportedly features city businessman Jack Pemba hit the world wide web this week, and as usual social media had a field day. Rather than getting angered that such private content got leaked, Ugandans weren’t pleased with Pemba’s alleged ‘tiny willy’ sparking off a series of memes and posts poking fun at the rather unfortunate incident. Creatives at brands such as MTN joined the fun as well posting memes that went viral.

It is reported that Pemba leaked this video himself after demands made to the young lady in it to pay 5000 USD ended up fruitless. In the video, a rather ‘arid’ woman gyrates her assets to work Pemba’s pinkie-like equipment as both of them fake moan in an emotionless short and dry scene. The woman in the video, identified as Honey Suleman says that she was in love with Pemba when they decided to film this video. She took to social media as well to accuse the businessman-cum socialite of leaking the private video and decries Pemba’s heartlessness. “He is doing this to divert people’s attention from his debts,” she claimed.

Despite their uneventful video, her arguments do hold a bit of truth. But, with the all the drama that comes with leaked nude

Kadongo Kamu Singer Mathias Walukaga’s Drama

When news broke that a one Aisha Namugerwa, a former house help at Mathias Walukaga’s home was accusing the Kadongo Kamu musician of siring a child with her and thereafter abandoning her, I was shocked. Mathias who was a few years ago knighted, “Sir” By The Kabaka was not one I expected to be dabbling in a housemaid’s sheets. Namugerwa claims she used to be a maid in Walukagga’s home when she had an affair with him.

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It was not long before she conceived and had a baby boy who Walukaga promised to keep on providing for if she went back to her village, but the singer only sent her only Ugx 30,000 for upkeep. After her expose` was run in local media, Walukaga denied having tiptoes around with the maid. In his defense, he claimed he doesn’t father children with ‘big heads’. Even when Minister Nakiwala Kiyingi got involved, he stuck to his word. Mrs. Kiyingi arranged for the two, the alleged father and son to have a DNA test which the singer initially agreed to go ahead and do.

In an interesting turn of events, the singer later turned around and agreed to care for the boy. He claimed he wanted no more drama in his life, and if taking on a child he knows isn’t his saves the situation, he was ready to do it. This brings up a very pertinent question; “Would you turn down a DNA test and go ahead to take on a child you know isn’t yours?”

Photo credit: MTN Uganda