
Fashion Police: The 2018 Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards Red Carpet – Part 2

Let's get judging!

You’ve seen part 1 (check it out here in case you missed it) and we couldn’t help but judge more looks. Let’s school some of these fashion victims and also give credit where it’s due.

This particular edition of the ASFAs was themed ‘Post Modernism meets Africanism’ which was a rather complex theme for the fashionitas to interpret. But, they still showed up. Let’s get judging, shall we?

The kikoyi coat and the extra long sash hanging off the shoulder screams edgy and high fashion. Well done Kais Divo for getting the theme right!
Rema always plays it safe for red carpet looks. Same applies here and the dress is beautifully done. I just wish those cute butterflies had been threaded in African print to match the theme.
This look was there and then it wasn’t. The huge arm and flowing gown is such a dope move. The socks made the look much darker I wish she could have done without them.
I’m sorry, what’s that bird doing there? And at the bottom of the blazer, of all places? Tried too hard, obviously!
Lazy , lazy , lazy!
*insert laughing emojis* This looks like a leesu was tacked in and let loose to give an edgy look. Epic fail my friend. Peep the safety pin, yuck!
The hair the hair! Too matchy but the blazer and shoes is good combo.
This fish tail gown upped with the print sash and and hem is extremely elegant
One of the most memorable looks from the event! Viva Sham Tyra
Y’all just look like you’re here for a birthday party. The lady on the left had a look that was promising but the choice of color combinations ruined it.
Guy on the right: Too casual for red carpet.
Lady in the middle: The pieces look good separately. They failed to blend.
Guy on the left: Thank you for adding the skirt! Great job
Serve! The sheer vest and extra long sparkly cape is such a bold and confident look.
Nailed it! The accessories are subtle yet stand out and loved that she added the extra flowing piece for a bolder definition.
I love that the front of this dress is of pleated satin. What a unique and classic look.
Let’s not even talk about the gentleman clad in that wordy print. The off-white belt was so off and mini price kitengi is just hurtful to look at. What a train-wreck!
Looking like a medieval warrior that stole shoes from the king’s box of precious things. Bad idea!
A sexy angelic gown. Interesting
Thank you, next.
This is painfully lazy. Not appealing at all!
Off theme but goddamn! From the laid back big hair to how the gown drapes over her chest and arms. Absolutely magnificent.
The shoes killed our sparkly look. What are they anyway? A Balenciaga – Louis-Vuitton mess.
Ykee Benda was definitely on a Ciroc theme. Still icy though.
Gothic and sexy. Werk!
I expected some Masai art up in this Miss International Kenya. This is so pageantry like!
Oh my God he took the fanny pack with him and wore it over his chest. Throw away the whole look please.
Lucky for you, the thigh high slit never gets old. Excellent choice.
Did the shoes have to be black and yellow too? Spice it up baby.
Why did you choose to wear everything you own?
We are already breaking the internet.. Can you believe?

What’s your verdict? Sound off in the message below.

READ ALSO:  The Best Abryanz Style & Fashion Awards Red Carpet Looks of All Time