
“Dress To Inspire” is The Theme For This Year’s Abryanz Style & Fashion Awards

To keep up with the Abryanz Style & Fashion Tradition, this year’s event will run on the theme “Dress To Inspire 2016” that was launched back in March. The goal for 2016 is to inspire, motivate and encourage more young people, to not only get involved in the industry but build a strong chain and bond that can help push the industry forward.

The Abryanz Franchise CEO, and founder of the Abryanz Style & Fashion Awards explains………..

“This year’s theme was something I chose, particularly basing on the current events in my life. I have been lucky enough to get a lot of both local and international recognition because of my work. And I just felt it was only right that we put more energy into creating opportunities for fellow young people that would not only inspire but benefit them as well. And this is what the awards are aiming to do. We want to inspire the youth through fashion and style. I wanted to use my personal story, to encourage others that want to make their lives better and meaningful. We are also taking the Awards continental, with the award categories aiming to target nominees from across Africa.”

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