
6 Really, Really Bad Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

Basically, How to end your relationship on Valentine’s Day!

You want everything to be perfect. So, pressure shoots up as you race to get your special someone something special and memorable. You want to outdo yourself but not be too much. There is a lot you can do, but also some you should not even think about. Here’s are 6 terrible Valentine’s Day gift ideas you ought to avoid like a plague.

 Plastic flowers

One of the most horrifying gift idea is a bouquet of plastic flowers picked off the street. It’s not just offensive, it’s painfully lazy. Instead of this, and if you fail to get something more befitting, call up your partner to tell them how special they are to you.

 Recycled gifts.

You can call this re-gifting. We understand you may lack time or resources to get something new and fresh. However, grabbing an old gift you received from an old friend, or at worst an ex and packing it with love to give to your partner is an absolute no-no. Just get something new.

Boxers and socks.

Whereas lingerie is always a good sexy idea perfect for the day, men on the other hand are just tired of receiving boxers and socks as gifts. Just put some effort into it. Unless it’s some special kind or you know your partner really needs them, just do not try it. If you are after something light a trendy necktie is a way classier idea.

Ill-fitting clothes.

Avoid that awkwardness of ‘I think they’ll accept an exchange’ and all that. If you are not sure about your partner’s dressing size, avoid wild guesses or take them shopping if you must. Some would even be offended that you do not know their size.

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I’m sorry gifts.

Valentine’s Day is a great time to make up if you had a fall out. However, avoid apologizing with I’m sorry cards or any branded items. It’s not fun to keep looking at such things as someone can simply be reminded of how they were once hurt.


Guys, let’s get this clear. Sex is not a gift. Not on birthdays, not on Valentine’s Day. It’s an intimate experience both of you share. It can’t be a gift to the other party. Some claim that if it’s exceptional or maybe your first time together it may count, but we say no. Just think out of the box.

Remember that if the gift comes from a place of love, it will be special.