FFor long I lived a life of complete and utter denial that I actually liked the color pink. When I was a little girl, I did everything in my power to avoid affiliation to the hue that had long garnered a reputation of being feminine, princessy and girly. A dozen-plus years down the road it hit me that not only did I just like the color pink, I absolutely love LOVE LOVED it. I mean people still think of it as girly (It isn’t. It’s literally just a genderless color going about its dang business) and princessy but heck. I am a girl and I sure as hell feel like royalty when I don my favorite color. It’s just a shame that you don’t go around seeing enough of pink in day today fashion (especially on guys.) For one reason or another, people are almost afraid of this hue that manages to be both subtle and powerful at the same time. And that’s just the thing I love about pink. It’s got so many personalities manifested in the various hues present. You’ve got your bubblegum pink for when you’re feeling particularly sweet, fuchsia for that effortlessly chic vibe, hot pink when you want everyone to nice that you’re well…hot. Et cetera etcetera.
Without further ado, here are FIVE ways for guys and girls to rock the greatest color of all time.

Okay hear me out, this just had to top the list because I’m absolutely in love with this whole aesthetic. And I can for a fact vouch for this look because I’ve done it myself and let me tell you it is in my 2019 Hall of fame for the most fabulous look ever. I did a black to pink box-braid ombre but there are so many other ways to incorporate pink onto your scalp. For the ladies, if you’re not as bold, a few taffy or flamingo colored high-lights can instantly add personality to your usually bland black or brown braids. Although I’d personally recommend getting braids that fade from a darker color to pink. I’d also recommend full-out pink braids though. But who cares? Mix it up. If your hair is short, a neat rose-wood scruff can light up your entire look without trying hard. This goes for both guys and girls too. Dreads. Wigs. Braids. Tints.
If you’re worried about the color clashing with your clothes you’d be surprised to find out that pink can beautifully harmonize with practically every color. Trust me, I had pink braids for over a month. So what are you waiting for? Go out and crown yourself with pink.

Layering is always a fun effortless way to add a little pizazz to your outfit. You know what’s better than layering? Layering with Pink. Now I don’t know about anyone else but I’ve found that this work’s best when you have dull bland colors underneath like grey and denim blue or even just plain white or plain black. Layering with a bold shade of pink can automatically turn any boring stay at home out-fit into a casual runway look for the hottest streetwear instantaneously. A pink jacket is definitely worth investing in if you want the kind of look where you delay to go home because enough people haven’t seen your outfit yet.

Someone lied to Ugandans that pink is a color reserved for party dresses.
I didn’t actually watch Legally Blonde, but I do remember an iconic scene with Reese Witherspoon storming the courthouse in full pink apparel ready to get people sued. (Or whatever, I didn’t actually watch the movie.) But here’s the thing. She exuded raw power. And you know what was even better -she looked fabulous doing it. I don’t know where people get this mentality that having a formal career implies sacrificing your sense of style and wearing shades of color only acceptable at funerals. I don’t know, but it’s probably from the same place they got the mentality that mean can’t wear pink. Do men have any idea how terrifyingly attractive they look in formfitting formal pink? Okay maybe it’s just me but there’s something about pink in formal settings that just makes me happy. Everyone looks better and more alive in a pink shirt. We need more pink in office settings. There are loads of brands that make simple formal pieces that can go with anything and come in exciting shades of watermelon, rouge, and salmon. Heck- Hot pink if you want. You just need one pink item to make a bold yet fashionable statement.
Step aside little girls. I want to see a man in a well-tailored pink suit…50 shades of pink anyone?

Go all out. Head to toe. Become the Bubblegum prince or princess you were meant to be. See the thing about pink is, it has numerous shades, so you can wear so many versions of it without necessary looking washed out. Again, I’ve ever pulled off this monochrome look, so I know what I’m saying. (Bonus if your hair is pink as well) You can layer a rosewood or dark pink jacket over a pale pink blush, almost white dress. You can wear a pink jacket over matching pink bottoms with a white, grey or blue vest inside. You can dip yourself head to toe in strawberry paint for all we care-you’d look scrumptious. Because that’s what pink does. It’s a delicious shade. A yummy color. Perfectly wholesome. There’s no harm in indulging just a little bit more than usual.

Pink is such a loveable color because it is so familiar. Our lips, parts of our skin, our tongues… Maybe because it’s so familiar people neglect to add it to their faces? Or maybe they add it and I just do not notice? I’m absolutely starved for killer makeup looks with pink as the theme color. Most of us just splash on a little pink lip-stain and walk out. That’s about as close the face pink gets these days. Disrespectful.
There’s a whole load of ways to incorporate pink one one’s face without looking clownish. Unless that’s what you’re going for. (Then by all means go all out) I’m talking eye-shadow, cheek-stain, blush and of course lip-stick. I don’t really care how, pink is a cute color and instantly screams youth when on one’s face. So make like Nike and just do it!

There’s lots of ways to pull of the color pink, and lots of reasons why.
I personally love the color pink so much because it incorporates the erratic passion of red and the calming purity of white. Pink is the official poster color for sugar, spice and everything nice. Pink is about living, really living despite what everyone else has to say.
So we’ve probably all heard this one but my all-time favorite icon Audrey Hepburn summarized the way I feel about pink when she said “I believe in manicures, I believe in over-dressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and…I believe in miracles,”