
“Hopefully One Day I Will Fulfill Your Wish Of Seeing Me Graduate From Medical School” – Kanyange Sharon

Thank you for all the battles you have fought on my behalf momma

Dear Momma,

On 13th December 1996 at only 16, you courageously brought me into this world. You endured all the morning sickness, weird cravings and the challenges of teenage pregnancy to give me a chance to live! You gave up your dreams of becoming a doctor, sacrificed your life and happiness and gave a deaf ear to all the negative comments and advise just to give me a chance.

Through my infancy, you always guided me towards what is right, you comforted me, protected me and always made sure I had a smile on my face. Growing up as a child, I often wronged you, we had misunderstandings over my unlovable actions and unwillingness to learn. I thought I knew everything mum, I thought you didn’t love me, wished I could disappear, often rolled my eyes and murmured little words to my self! Little did I know that you always had my best interests at heart, you were trying to show me what the real world is mum.

You just wished I could understand and do some things the right way but I was so rigid and ignorant to get it! I understand it all now mother. I wish I said thank you and listened more often. As I get older, my appreciation and admiration for you has and still is growing tremendously. Indeed, you deserve the mother of the year award!

Each and every single day that goes by, I sit back and reflect on how much guidance and beautiful advice you have given me, how much you have inspired and positively impacted my life. Then I fall on my knees and thank God for the greatest gift he has given me; the best mother there is and there could ever be in the whole wide world! Mom, the love I have for you is unmeasurable, not even the number of grains of sand along the seashore can come close to how much love I feel for you. You provide me with the perfect image of an idol, a diamond that shines brightly among ordinary stones.

I have seen you go through a lot since my childhood. You have overcome all challenges with courage and determination and taught me that when things get tough, I ought to get tougher because those moments don’t last, but tough people do. You have always told me it’s OK to cry because tears have the potential of healing the soul and whenever there are tears in my eyes, you always give me a shoulder to lean on. I have come to realise that the bond we have is unbreakable and that over the years, it grows stronger.

READ ALSO:  "God Said to Me That My Angel on Earth is You Mum. I Love You" - Namatome Joanita

Your prayers, support and relentless love have enabled me to endure different hardships in life. Every time I remember your unending love and difficulty you had to go through to see me where I am today, it gives me an extra boost of energy to strive higher and reach for the stars, and hopefully one day I will fulfill your wish of seeing me graduate from medical school.

I have learnt to find a best friend in you mom. Someone I can freely and openly tell about everything in my life, everything that bothers me. I do because I know that in you, I will always find comfort, refugee and strength to move on in life.
I fall down on my knees daily and request God for your protection, health and blessings.  I pray he grants all your wishes and desires. I pray to never disappoint you because I feel indebted to you. There are no words I can use to completely exhaust the gratitude I have for you. Thanks for everything mom. For all the battles you have fought on my behalf, for the unending love, support, courageous words, care and advice you give me and my sister. God bless you, my hero!

Lots of love,
Your biggest admirer,
Kanyange Sharon

Do you think Sharon’s mother deserves the title of #MotherofTheYear? Share your thoughts and opinions in the message box below.