Joram Model Management is back with another model search! This time, however, the model agency will focus on universities, with Makerere University being their first stop. This comes at a time the oldest university in East Africa is having its centennial celebrations.
The team from Joram Model Management will camp at Makerere University Art gallery from 10am to 5pm, searching for male and female models not signed to any agency, aged 15 to 24 and with a height of 5’9″girls and 6’ boys. Dress code girls: Black tank Tops on Black Skinny Jeans, Heels or Sneakers, Hair sleeked back, No makeup , no weaves, look as natural as possible
Male Models: Skinny Black | Blue jeans on fitted White or black t-shirts with sneakers!
See poster below for more details
For more details Call: +256393217395 // +256782625769