Dear Mom,
Thank you,
Thank you, I cannot think of more appropriate words to say besides those two simple yet powerful ones. You have been my biggest fan through every single stage of my life and I couldn’t ask for a better cheerleader.
Every day I am thankful for the gift you are, as a mother, friend, mentor and hero. Many people never get to meet the person they look up to but I was fortunate enough to be raised by mine. Thank you for knowing when I was wrong and spanking me when I was being a brat, I may not have liked it then, but looking back I know I’m better off. Thank you for humbling yourself to put my needs and more often wants above your own. Thank you for sacrificing countless hours to help with school projects, or to simply spend a day bonding with me. Thank you for constant prayers over and me.
Thank you for home cooked meals after long hours at the office. Thank you for holding me while I cried and promising me that tomorrow would be a better day. You answer your phone with the same enthusiasm every time, whether it’s my first or the fifth call of the day, I am eternally grateful. Thank you for laughing with me so hard we cry. Thank you for the memories I will never forget and a legacy I proudly carry on. Most importantly thank you for encouraging me in my walk of faith and for teaching me the value of respect not only for others but for myself as well.
You are without a doubt, the most incredible person I know and to be your daughter is an honor. I hope to make you as proud of me as I am of you every day. Thank you for being the woman God made, for she is also everything I aspire to be.
Namwabula Juliet
Do you think Juliet’s mother deserves the title of #MotherofTheYear? Share your thoughts and opinions in the message box below.
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