Early this year, we shared our list of stars to watch this year, and on it was Winnie Nwagi. We actually had no idea what she was planning to put out. Fast forward, right now, she’s one of the biggest names in the music business. Her song ‘Musawo‘ is enjoying enviable airplay whilst the video is doing ‘excellently well’ too. We had a chat with the Cocacola Rated Next alum , on her inspiration for the music video, her style tips and keeping in shape.
That Musawo video is the bomb, it’s the rage right now. How much work did you put in making it happen?
First of all, I’m so glad that people are enjoying Musawo because I really put in my all in the song and video alike. I made sure there was some great entertainment there, and also did something different from what is already on the market.
Many female singers have trouble dancing, how did you prepare that dance routine?
I’ve always loved dancing since I was a child. Well, I’m not the typical dancer girl, but I know how to have fun dancing and I’m not afraid showing it off. I actually created a huge part of the dance routine, and my dancers added everything else. It was a fun experience.
I must admit, your curves contributed a lot to the success of the video. What is the secret to your curvy frame?
Oh my God! Well, I strive to stay healthy. I exercise a lot to stay in shape, that’s all. My curvy frame is all natural, it runs in my blood.
Kindly take us through your exercise routine.
When I wake up, I take one glass of warm water and jog. I do the jogging three times a week plus, I meet with my personal trainer for more complicated crunches. I do have my supper early enough and take a warm glass of water with lemon every night before I go to bed.
What’s your diet like?
I’m a foodie! I have my meals as often as possible complete with a fruit or two on each. I also love to add greens and vegetables. Juice is always a must, and of course water. It helps keep the skin hydrated.
Everyone is going to start having this diet, believe me. Let’s talk fashion, how do you choose the clothes you wear, you seem to always dress impeccably. Curvy girls always have trouble dressing up.
Hahha, I have a personal stylist who chooses what I wear. She knows what works perfectly for my body. I of course have the final input when choosing the colours. Curvy girls should definitely look at me for style inspiration.

So, I guess you have a glam squad.
I actually do my makeup when I have no public engagement, and only involve makeup artists when headed for a video shoot or public appearance. The stylist is always on hand, to help me with outfits depending on where I’m headed.
Easter is this weekend, what are your plans for the holiday?
I have gigs all through the holiday, I’m going to be very busy. There’s a concert at Freedom City and a bunch of others. So, expect to see me everywhere.
Aren’t you going to miss staying home with family during the holiday?
Of course. But, I have to work. I respect my job, besides I’m always with my family, I’m pretty sure they’ll manage fine. I can’t wait to meet my fans.
What is your fondest childhood memory of Easter?
The only childhood memory I have of Easter is eating good food with everyone at home. Even when we were at school, our parents would bring us packed food and drinks. I honestly miss those days!
This interview has been edited and condensed.
Photo credit: Facebook/ Youtube