
Who Was The Best Dressed Gentleman At The 2017 Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards?


The 2017 edition of the Abryanz Style and Fashion Awards had some of the boldest menswear fashion choices we’ve seen in a long time. It seems the classic menswear suit is not trendy anymore, and if it is, it comes with prints or a few edges. Some men decided to go all out wearing completely indecribeable ensembles, but it was the fashion awards, where everything is possible.

See all the looks



Williams Bugeme


Jack Pemba


Abdu of Abduz Spot


Anthony Kays


Mafikizolo’s Theo Kgosinkwe


Mavo Kampala


Emolsa Hasacha


Kamara Adrian


Crysto Panda


Kaijuka Abbas


Deryk Ssekamate


Phaoz King


Martyn Ssekyanzi


Swanky Jerry


Who was the best dressed gentleman at the event? Sound off in message box below.

Photos by Hanny Photography


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