
What Your Favourite Colour Says About You

It's scarily accurate too!

You have probably come across a saying, ‘You Are What You Adorn’. After we enter the world, we are all introduced to the concept of colour psychology whether you are aware of it or not. For example, you may have noticed that little girls are dressed in pink and boys in blue, or that a serious business person will wear black and a nature shoot will feature some green somewhere. Colours have a strong emotional resonance with fashion trendsetters.

Did you know that the colours in your clothes can affect your mood? A lesser-known fact that proves this is that fashionistas believe colour is an essential factor when purchasing a fashion item and that it takes 92 seconds for a cloth to make an impression.

Colour has a similar effect in fashion when you want to change your mood or send off a specific message with your outfits, from femininity and masculinity to emotions, cravings, and evoking certain types of feelings. The colour of your clothes can convey your status and level of intelligence. It also affects how people see us.

Take a look at how we break down some of the colours and wearing them says about you:


Traits: Intelligent, powerful, professional, mysterious


Traits: Innocent, pure, clean, good and perfect


Traits: Natural, reliable, stable, comfortable


Traits: Successful, hopeful, growth-oriented


Traits: Practical, neutral, mature, reliable, secure

Light Blue

Traits: Calm, confident, intelligent, loyal


Traits: creative, spiritual and luxurious


Traits: Passionate, intense, dramatic, energizing


Traits: Enthusiastic, social, ambitious, energetic

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Traits: Optimistic, happy, attentive, fun


Traits: tender, sensitive, caring and emotional


Traits: smart, calm, stable, powerful

Which one describes you? Leave a comment!