
What Wearing Bright Coloured Socks Says About Your Personality 

You’re ‘happy, exciting and approachable’

They might be the least of your concerns when it comes to style, but socks can have a great impact on your personal style if great attention is paid to them. We often ignore them perhaps because they’re worn under feet in shoes covered by other clothing but, they matter.

Let me ask; what stands out for you the first time you meet someone? Isn’t it the colour of what they are wearing?

Looking to update your sock rack? Let your personality shine through with playful and eccentric designs like polka dots, stripes and even plain bright colors such as yellow, pink and red.

Since first impression matters, always consider owning a pair or more of these bright colored socks. They never run out of attractiveness and appeal. Colorful and funky socks also depict that you’re ‘happy, exciting and approachable’

Colorful socks also mean you are very confident and very comfortable with yourself thus fun to be around. No one wants to be around an uncomfortable or boring person.

New York stylist Rothman Lauren says, “The louder the socks, the bigger the wallet,” which suggests that colorful socks can also be a symbol of status.

Although some studies show that black (socks) exudes authority, power, sophistication, and mystery, it does it only to a small degree. It’s quite easy to get away with black socks, or simply, ‘not get noticed at all’. The case is quite different when it comes to bright colours.


Cotton socks are good for your feet because they ably absorb sweat from your feet thus saving you from horrible odour. They’re also more comfortable and last longer than other fabrics.

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Doesn’t matter the colour or fabric of socks you choose, just let it reflect your innate unique personality.