Happy new year to those reading this! If you have managed to make it to the New Year with us, we are beyond grateful having fabulous readers like you on this journey into the new decade. Many of you have come up with plans for the New Year, some are thinking of their next ten years and others grew tired of that “resolutions banter” because we always end up quitting the gym regimen, or failing to save up enough money for whatever it was we wanted. I’m here to tell you a little story.
At the beginning of last year I was newly graduated, and jobless, sitting at home, writing my little blog that no one read. I rejected jobs that came my way because they weren’t what I wanted (seriously, how crazy can one be?) I was also rejected by a couple of jobs that I really wanted. Midway the year I joined the team here and while I was excited to write about all things fashion and lifestyle, I never expected what I found; a tweet, from sometime in November 2018 that read,
“Life goal: Editor for a fashion magazine. Just tweeting it into existence.”

Just this. And now look who is writing the editor’s note for Uganda’s leading fashion web-magazine! I don’t think this is a mistake.
See, there’s power in your words and even if you might not see the results immediately, you cannot anticipate how many things are aligning according to what you deeply desire. It is not in vain to put down what you want, whether on paper, or a vision board, or whatever way you want to do it. Even the goals from the past year that seemingly “failed”.
So, dare to dream big, and never lose hope. You never know what the 2020 could surprise you with!
Our theme this month is “Fresh Start” and while that’s what January is generally known for, this time feels a little different. A little more daring, a little bigger. Join us on this journey to bigger and more, don’t forget to be fabulous while at it!