Ethan hosts the university driven TV show Campus 101 on Urban TV. He’s a fashion enthusiast with an enviable following on social media all of whom look out for what he’ll be wearing next. He’s also a freelance model with Mountain Dew ads on his resume.We talked to him about life fashion and everything between.
You are a model, TV host and fashion enthusiast. Is that right?
Yes it is. About the model part. Lol! I didn’t know that.
I’ve seen you endorsing brands.
Oh really. Well may be to other people I could be but personally I don’t see myself as a model.
You are also a social media junkie. How do you keep that up with your work on TV?
Well a thug has got to do what a thug has got to do! Lets just say everything has its own time. TV is first then the rest comes later. We all have schedules to follow but give the most important things more quality time.
How easy was it for you to get on TV? I’ve tried since I was like 14 but nothing has ever opened up. Kindly share
The thirst I had for TV goes way back to primary school, I always asked my mum for transport to get me to the broadcasting stations as early as P.5 but nothing ever came through. I kept trying during my secondary school time but nothing came out of it still. Until one time someone picked interest in me. Things have not been the same since. Its been a journey and still is because I’m not yet to the level I want. I’m talking MTV BASE VJ or E! or BET! Like I said I believe there is time for everything no need to rush if you are destined for something you eventually get it.
How is it hosting a campus show? Is it all glam and fancy as we all think?
The word campus screams drama. Rowdy students who are uncontrollable. The entire production process is a hustle. If one could see me in the field while I’m interviewing those students during their guild campaigns then they would know that nothing comes easy. But above all I’m grateful its worth the experience. I always have a story to tell which is the most important thing.
So about your style. You have a unique fashion sense. Did you study fashion? How do you make it happen?
I went to Mcensal School of Fashion & design in Nairobi. Style comes from within its not forced. I’ve met so many rich celebrities that have the luxury to put up a good number but they always fail to keep it unique. So style is in born creativity. Whatever you wear even when its not trendy will come off as cool.
Is it this unique fashion sense that has won you over a huge social media following?
I guess. I wouldn’t say I’m cool but the people feel I’m worth following.
How many people follow you across all platforms?
I don’t think they are that many. But I’m not complaining I just love it when someone appreciates my effort. So I guess all that following is a form of appreciation.
What do you feel is the role of social media in shaping fashion in Uganda?
Social media has given all fashion enthusiasts like myself a platform where we can get noticed. This is the only medium of communication where you don’t need to pay for airplay. If you have good work, people will notice it. Budding fashion designers and stylists should use this opportunity to have their work out their.
What is the state of the fashion industry in Uganda? Is it almost there? Considering that you went to design school.
I have worked with a number of fashion designers here in Uganda and I always make it a point to be part of the entire process of production. And yes I’m proud to say we Ugandans are doing a good job so far.We are on our way to the top!!
What could be on your to do list? Do you plan on doing your own fashion line? Or become a stylist? What is in the pipeline for you?
At this point. I’m more into being a TV host and VJ. My skills in design wont go to waste though. I will attack when I feel the time is right. Right now its about being in front of the camera.
Catch Ethan on Campus 101 on Urban TV Saturday morning.