
Things you didn’t know about skinny girls

Many people are disturbed when they see someone with little flesh on her body! On social media skinny girls are becoming more confident about their bodies than they were before. However that is not stopping people from making fun of them. While it’s okay and very ‘African‘ to have curves all over your body, it’s not good to make fun of those that don’t have.

Maybe you just don’t know much about them! We’ve compiled a few things that you probably didn’t know about skinny girls.

1. They don’t diet

While many of us think that these girls go an extra mile to have these slim bodies, the reverse is always the truth. They don’t feed on lettuce and a bunch of other green leaves. They eat what me and you eat. I guess they have a faster metabolism. They just don’t have the ‘fat gene‘!

2. They eat a lot

This is a fact. Moses an IT specialist in one of the major media agencies in town couldn’t agree more. He went with this ‘visibly skinny‘ lady for a party. “She ate a lot more than I did and even when we got home, she wanted to finish all the snacks in the house before going to bed!” If you thought that these girls don’t eat, you got it all wrong because they do. Even more than you might think. One question though. Where does all this food go?

3. They are good in bed

It’s no surprise that skinnier women are taking away all the men in town. There’s something about them in bed that keeps men on their toes asking for more. They are flexible and very adventurous. Anything goes. Whatever you will desire to do, she will do!

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4. They too get hurt

Many guys treat skinny women like they have no flesh and so don’t get hurt. These girls are way more sensitive than their mates. They are often attacked on social media for ‘having no flesh‘ but that doesn’t make them morphs. They are human.

5. Many of them aren’t models

It is interesting to note that most of the skinny girls are called models. Brenda who works with a society magazine in town is disturbed by this misconception. “I have never wished to be a model and don’t even them glamorous. Why does everyone think I must be a model?” she wondered. Many of them find this insulting. You should think twice before you call her a model!