
Simple But Surprising Ways To Lose Weight

Because 4.4% of people living in Kampala are obese!

Like most parts of the world, obesity rates are on the rise in Uganda with 4.4% of people living in Kampala being obese and 10.2% overweight. While obesity mostly affects the old, the prevalence of overweight and obesity cases among the youths and children in the country is alarming according to a study by the Makerere Medical School. The need to lose weight has never been more urgent and herbalists with their syrups and concoctions are having a field day according to PML Daily. This is because people are now realizing that being overweight has dire consequences on both your physical and emotional well being. Traditionally, people go to the gym or eat right to look good, but these are not the only weight loss techniques. Below are surprising ways of losing weight that may seem unconventional but actually work.  

Take dessert for breakfast

Researchers at Tel Aviv University found that taking breakfast with a 600 calorie intake that includes cookies, a cake, or any dessert can help in losing weight. Seems counter-intuitive right? While it may seem bizarre, people who take dessert for breakfast according to the study, are capable of burning more calories and also controlling their cravings more than those who avoid sweet foods. The dessert should, however, accompany a protein packed and carbohydrate-rich breakfast.

Use scented candles and fragrances

Yes, believe it or not, inhaling certain fragrances might help reduce your weight. In a health study conducted by St George Hospital in London, over 200 overweight individuals tested the use of fragrances to cut weight. They were divided into 3 groups, 2 of which were given patches scented with vanilla and lemon respectively. The third group did not have any patches.  After a span of 4 weeks, it appeared that those who had the vanilla-scented patches stuck to their hands lost an average of 2.2 kgs and their cravings for sweet foods had dwindled. Those with lemon scented patches lost 1.4kgs.

An easier alternative to smelling a patch for 4 weeks is burning naturally scented soy candles. Scented candles work like fragrances and aid in weight loss by reducing cravings which make you desire food even if you are not hungry. Essentially cravings come about as a result of the need to feel better. Scented candles and perfumes stimulate the release of the brain hormone serotonin. This chemical brings about a sense of happiness and satisfaction and thereby curbing cravings for foods associated with boosting your mood, like ice cream.

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Eat some dark chocolate

If you love chocolate, then this must be the best weight loss hack you’ll ever hear. Taking a piece or two of dark chocolate daily makes you feel like you are not denying yourself sweet snacks even when on a restricting diet. Truth is,  you are more likely to meet your healthy eating goals when your body feels like it has nothing to cut. Secondly, Will Cower, a renowned neuroscientist found that eating one or two squares of chocolate 20 minutes before a meal stimulates the release of hormones that create a sense of fullness. This can help one avoid overindulgence. Eating chocolate after a meal can help prevent the urge to snack thereby helping in weight management. Matter of fact scientific studies have shown that people who take chocolate regularly have lower BMI compared to those who take it less. Consuming everything moderately is however the key to a healthy lifestyle.

Avoid foodie commercials

You might think that watching commercials on the TV is harmless. According to the Montreal Neurological Institute, adverts containing snacks and foods with high calories interfere with your thoughts by making you crave for them. The cravings may take you to a shop where you end up filling your plate with unhealthy foods you saw on your screen hence leading to weight gain. 

While chewing gum is a solution to a bad breath it also helps in weight loss. Other surprising ways to lose weight include sleeping for enough hours, dimming lights and reducing noise around you. These surprising but invaluable tips coupled with exercise and diet should help curb the prevailing obesity rates in Uganda and have you looking your very best.

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