Showmax is taking fans of the beloved _The Real Housewives_ franchise to the city of wealth and power, Abuja. _The Real Housewives of Abuja_ (_RHOAbuja_) marks the eighth version of the hit format in Africa and is set to premiere exclusively on Showmax on 17 February 2023, with new episodes dropping every Friday.
The new series will follow the luxurious lives of six influential and successful women in Abuja. The women include Arafa, Comfort Booth, OJ Posharella, Princess Jecoco, Samantha Homossany and Tutupie as they
navigate their opulent lives, relationships, family and businesses within the powerful city of Abuja and beyond.
Arafa is an art entrepreneur, creative director and founder of Selaralifestyle. She is married and a mother to amazing twins.
Comfort Booth is a lawyer, social commentator, travel blogger and talk show host. She is a partner at Asia Ahmed and Co.
Ojoma Sule, also known as OJ Posharella, is an entrepreneur and the CEO of Posharella Group of Companies. She is also the founder of Posharella Life Foundation, an NGO with the mission to create a better life, society and world.
Princess Jecoco is a lawyer, brand ambassador, influencer, content creator and hotelier. She is currently the managing director of the Sefcon group of hotels. She is married and a mother to two beautiful,
energetic kids.
Samantha Homossany is a wellness entrepreneur and creative director of Zohi Taglit. She is passionate about art, fashion and style. She is married to an Abuja-based Israeli millionaire and is a mother of four children.
Tutupie is a trained and certified chef and event curator. She is the creative director of Urban Day Party.

The ladies will give viewers an exclusive glimpse into their fabulous and luxurious lives. Set in a powerful city like Abuja, the new series promises to entertain, showcasing the hottest and most intriguing social scenes across the city, providing exclusive access to the ultra-rich.
Speaking about the show, Dr Busola Tejumola, executive head of content and West Africa channels at MultiChoice, said, “We are excited to announce The Real Housewives to the power city of Abuja. Telling our local story is at the core of what we do, and we are glad to continue this partnership with NBCUniversal Formats to bring the franchise to a second city in Nigeria. The show will explore the power and influence of Abuja through the eyes of these fabulous women who are both unique and very entertaining. We are delighted and are certain the viewers will enjoy watching.”
_The Real Housewives of Abuja_ is the second Nigerian instalment of the award-winning franchise and the 21st international version of The Real Housewives format.
_RHOAbuja_ is coming on the back of the success of _The Real Housewives of Lagos_, which broke the Showmax first-day streaming record in Nigeria and was one of the 10 most streamed shows of 2022 on Showmax in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. Showmax is also home to the _Dubai_, _Durban_ and _Johannesburg_ editions of the franchise.
Produced by Delmedia Productions, _RHOAbuja_ will be available exclusively on Showmax in more than 40 African countries from 17 February 2023, with new episodes every Friday.
Watch the teaser trailer here: