Rihanna’s braids went viral yesterday after photos were posted showing the seemingly unfinished head of braids. But was this the intended style?
Paparazzi caught the billionaire superstar on a stroll with her baby daddy that showed her braids, and from those pictures it looked like she was mid braid, got tired of sitting and decided to go out with her man. She had the hair up in a discreet ponytail, and fans had to squint to see the unfinished hair.
When the internet went ablaze commenting on it, Rihanna did as Rihanna does – double down. She wore the hair again, this time sans ponytail, and enhanced the unfinished hair with extensions (because it was noticeably more voluminous than the night before)

The more intentional styling caught fans off guard, with people asking if this is a new style, referencing the half braided fulani braid style, and crowning her trendsetter once more. If this becomes a new trend, well, her braider probably got paid for a half job done.
But Rih knows, just like we do, that it was probably a fluke, and who can take a hair faux pas and turn it into a trend? Exactly.