
Religion Really Isn’t Just For Prima Donnas and Slay Kings

It's a sad reality that if your girlfriend has too many problems and you suspect you are one of them, you'll find her in a church at 2 PM.

It’s good to see you are all still in considerably great health. This being a holy month, I have refrained from anything that may ruin my chance at 1000 virgins when I die. This is why I am going to talk about what should be a factor in all our lives….religion.

Religion basically means what divination you believe in. “myself “is not a religion. Please sit down. Our main problem today is how society perceives us. The biggest issue here is that most of us men leave religion to women. It’s a sad reality that if your girlfriend has too many problems and you suspect you are one of them, you’ll find her in a church at 2 PM.

The truth of the matter is that we were all raised differently.  However, no matter how strictly your parents raised you, it’s not a guarantee that you’ll be a choir leader. As men, we have natural desires to be perceived as successful or on the road to success. You will not appear this way if you follow some washed up prophet. You need to find yourself a prophet/ preacher who looks like prayer does work. This is the person you will strive to be as they mentor you.

If you are Muslim, it’s hectic to pray 5 times a day but in Ramadan it would be wise to try. It will also be wise to quit some of the things you do in the time being. You never know it could help you find your moral compass.

If you belong to any other religion, still keep the faith. What you believe in makes the man you are towards the people around your family. Once in a while take time and believe. Religion really isn’t just for prima donnas and slay kings. That is the word of the day.

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