
Precious Remmie’s Moment of Truth!

When you get a chance to know the real me, away from TV and media, you'll be even more surprised!

Precious Remmie is in love! “It’s a great feeling to love and be loved back in equal measure,” she reflects, as we chat in between outfit changes. “I’m in a good place, and I guess you can see it.”

The TV star, who has earned a place in the upper echelons of media thanks to an entertainment show that covers celebrities’ personal lives, tells me she’s very uncomfortable doing interviews and putting her life out in the open. “I didn’t even invite ‘Live Wire’ to my Kukyala,” she tells me. This is exactly who Precious Remmie (real names Nakito Remma) is – the complete opposite of what she is on TV.

Here, she talks to Satisfashion UG about being in a good place, juggling her many hats and of course, the man, who makes her eyes light up.

I’ll be honest you are the complete opposite of what you are on TV..

When you get a chance to know the real me, away from TV and media, you’ll be even more surprised. I dislike gossip. I don’t like people who gossip. It’s hard for someone to tell you something about someone and not go back to share what you said with others. I can’t stand such people.

However, I had to realise that this is a job that needs to get done. I attained training to do the TV show I do, I guess that’s why I do it well. But, that’s so far from who I am as a person. I’m not going to pry into your life. I’m a very peaceful woman.

Well, if it’s indeed an act, then you’re such a good actor. It’s unsurprising that you are also into film…

My first love is actually acting. I started out as an actress, TV kind found me along the way, and when I got on Live Wire, it wasn’t easy for me to juggle both. I had to give acting a break. It wasn’t easy at the start, I had to learn everything. Celebrities are such interesting beings, and taking up a job where you have to follow their personal and public lives every day, is not a walk in the park.

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Now that I’m confident that I got it right,  I decided to go back into acting. So, here we are, and I am glad people have welcomed me back with open arms.

For someone, whose job is to pry into lives of other people, how does it feel when media reports about you?

I remember, the very first time it hit me really hard. It’s quite unfair. We have a policy – we never report stories that aren’t fact checked. There are so many times I run to my producer’s desk to double check if a story has been fact checked. We also ensure to balance the reporting, where by both parties do share their side of the story. My job as the show host is to go on set and anchor the news.

I know, that because of my job, everyone is just waiting for an opportunity to run my name in the mud. But, it’s just a job. I’m not a malicious person. Honestly, the show has made us who we are today, but it’s not fun covering certain stories. You put yourself in their shoes and – you know it’s painful.

Live Wire inspired the creation of many of the celebrity gossip shows, which have, for the most part, been problematic. UCC came in recently to strike a ban on some of them.

I remember when that ban was announced, I was the happiest. It had become too much. People were using these shows to defame others, which has never sat well with me. I was glad that UCC came in and got the house in order. Now, you can’t report an untrue story, and not end up in court. If a consumer of content feels dissatisfied by what a media platform did, they can lodge a complaint with UCC.

Do you really enjoy doing this job?

I do! I enjoy doing what I do. In the beginning it wasn’t easy. It’s a good feeling presenting a story you know is true. Not because you’re poking into someone else’s business, of course, but that you are doing a balanced story. I will be happy that I’ve done the right thing. So, I enjoy my job.

What, in your opinion, defines a powerful woman?

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For me, these traits should stick out; bravery, confidence, honesty and transparency. When a woman is honest and unafraid to speak her truth, she’ll never hide in her shadow. I also think she should be one, who is always excited about holding hands of other women; to lift and support them.

If you’re successful in your field of work, how many women are you lifting up to get to your status? I’ve had a chance to listen to many successful women, and they’ll all tell you that it’s lonely up there. I believe it’ll get less lonely if we all lift each other up; achieve enormous success together, win as a tribe and take over the world.

Any successful women that inspire you?

So many! I admire Michelle Obama so much. I invest a lot of my time in reading whatever interview she’ll give. I love Oprah Winfrey! I can’t scroll past a story about her without reading it. Even when she’s just interviewing someone, I want to watch and listen to what she is saying. I have a special liking for people who speak up.  They inspire me.

I love people like Sheebah Karungi. She has never been afraid of speaking her truth.

I’m also inspired by young women, who have soldiered through this crazy entertainment industry. I love Spice Diana. She’s not a pushover! She’s smart, confident and unafraid of holding her own. I admire that.

You have such a crazy work ethic.. I mean, you arrived on set of this shoot way before the entire team…

I don’t play when it comes to keeping time. This stems from the fact that I can’t stand being kept waiting. So, I cannot do it to other people. And, it all goes back to passion. If you’re passionate about something, you’ll make way for even impossibilities to make it happen.

My day starts at 4:30am. I get myself ready for my morning radio show on Galaxy FM called Galaxy Morning Saga.  It runs from 6 to 10am. Then, I’ll run to get on set for a series we are shooting. This goes on till 5pm. Then, I’ll run to Spark TV to do Live Wire. The show wraps at 9pm. I’ll then head home to spend time with my son before he goes to bed.

Since you got on set, you’ve been gushing over ‘Daddy Cocktail’! What’s this about him that makes your eyes light up every time you talk about him?

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Well, it’s because I love him and he loves me. How else would you reciprocate love that’s so deep? I feel loved, and I’m not afraid to say it out loud. Each time I talk about him, a smile gets written my face. He really loves me and I appreciate it.

You had a lavish wedding…

No it wasn’t a wedding! (Laughs) I’m halfway married, I’d say. We had a Kukyala (a visit to her paternal aunt to declare his intention to marry her), and very soon, we he’ll formally be introduced to my family. I cannot wait to fully become Mrs. Bindeeba.

What’s the future for Precious Remmie?

My future? I really don’t know right now. Because we plan as God plans. What I can say now, though, is I am planning a lot. I am putting together a business project. I’m passionate about businesses that solve unique challenges.

Also, I am not planning to be on TV and radio forever. I’d love to be the best mother to my children, but as you can see, my tight schedule always gets in the way of it.

I’d love to perfect my acting craft even more. I’ve tried it again and yes, I believe I can. I want to thank everyone that has supported me, everyone that loves me and enjoys what I do. I’m a genuine person. I don’t hate. I see of a very bright future ahead of me, loving Mr. Bindeeba till death do us apart. Of course, you knew I wouldn’t close this interview without mentioning him!

Styling: Kai’s Divo Collection

Makeup: Saida Beauty

Photography: Walter Photography

This story is a collaborative project between Natna Hair, Kai’s Divo Collection, Walter Photography & Satisfashion UG.