Dance With Valentino, a new thrilling reality dance TV show, had a successful premiere on Sunday 15th November, 2020, at Fairway Hotel in Kampala. The show, which now airs on NTV, explores the healing power of dance. Celebrity guests sit and open up about some of their most unforgettable memories. Dance With Valentino’s team of dancers then choreographs a dance performance out of the memory, before the celebrity is challenged to partake in it. The show is hosted by Valentino Richard Kabenge, a renowned Latin and ballroom dancer.
The premiere had the cast, crew and a few celebrities step out in colour and style as they walked the red carpet. In attendance was Joanita Kawalya, Mrs. Kisauzi, Bruno K, who are set to star on the show. They later converged to watch the debut episode, which featured Mrs. Kisauzi, whose story and dance performance left everyone in the room in awe.
The event also marked the birth of ValRich Arts, the production company behind the show, and so, cake was cut in celebration of that too. ValRich Arts is an entertainment company that spots and nurtures talent before setting it up for stardom. Dance With Valentino is their first production.
According to Valentino, the show is set to air on NTV for the next 16 weeks. Viewers should expect nothing but a constant flow of epic stories, dance and music all through the holiday season. On why he decided to partner with NTV, he said “NTV’s reach and belief in original local stories is the reason we didn’t think twice about bringing the show on this channel”. Other partners of the show include Talent Africa, who are producers, Fairway Hotel and ValRich Arts.
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Dance With Valentino airs Sundays 6:30pm on NTV!