Dance with Valentino, a new thrilling reality dance TV show, hosted by Valentino, a renowned Latino and ball room dancer, continues to unpack stories of triumph, pain and success. During last evening’s episode, newlyweds Daphine and Salvador Idringi opened up about a time they almost cancelled their annual comedy show owing to her health.
In a candid interview with Valentino, Daphine revealed that she has a rare condition called Hyperemesis gravidarum. The condition, which affects just 2% of the women around the world, is an extreme form of morning sickness that causes severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. It was just days to Salvador’s ’10th anniversary Show’, and she was expecting their second child, when she almost lost her life to it.
The comedian went on to recount the moment, how he almost cancelled the show to be by her side. “Cancelling the show is something I honestly considered doing. I was ready to lose all the money from sponsors. It’s my wife’s health that mattered to me the most at the time,” he said. Luckily for them, she responded to treatment, and was able to attend the show.
Dance With Valentino also shared exclusive footage from the couple’s wedding reception, which held two weeks ago. They rehearsed for days with the Dance With Valentino team before putting on a beautiful dance performance for their guests at the glamourous event.
If you missed this particular episode, look out for its repeat set to air on Friday at 2:30pm on NTV!
Dance With Valentino airs Sundays at 6:30pm on NTV! This weekend’s episode features singer & guitarist Bruno K.