Ever since Nicki Minaj announced her retirement about a week ago via Twitter (which many found insensitive and the singer has since apologized for), I’ve been wreathed in a veil of muted disbelief at the shocking news. Speculations say that she decided to opt out of the game because of Cardi B whose recent dominance in the female hip-hip biz has left Nicki threatened, or maybe the story she gave the media is true – she’s decided it’s time for a family. I’ve been shattered. I won’t lie, but I ultimately respect her decision at the end of the day. Not that she needed permission from an errant Ugandan individual to do so in the first place.
Now the reason I was utterly distraught mightn’t have been the same as the reasons that many fans out there shared. Sure I was going to miss her catchy beats layered with raunchy lyrics sang in an effortlessly beautiful voice, and her videos with butts all over the place. So so many butts.
Not that I won’t miss all that, okay? But to me, Nicki Minaj was more than a songstress. I was about the image she cultivated. Her look. Let’s be honest, love it or hate it, Nicki Minaj’s fashion sense took the entertainment industry by storm. And I’m an absolute whore for controversy. I ate it all up. Nicki Minaj was (and still is) hip hop fashion royalty.
So I went back to my archives in a last ditch attempt to console myself and dug up some outfits that I feel will forever remain iconic and were, at the end of the day, true pieces of fashion mastery.
1. Heavenly Bodies: Fashion & the Catholic Imagination Costume Institute Gala (2019)

Who could forget one of the most iconic MET gala looks of all time? The theme was an ethereal one, heavenly bodies and a bunch of catholic stuff. Miss. Minaj found it prudent to come to the after party dressed as the sultry embodiment of the devil. The ombre on this one was flawless. I especially loved the beaded headpiece and the sheer seduction that the look emanated. They don’t say “as handsome as the devil for nothing.” I definitely won’t forget this one.
2. Victoria’s Secret Runway (2011)

I’ll admit. This was a shocking experience for my sense of sight. But I couldn’t forget it no matter how hard I tried. Those who are die-hard fans of Nicki Minaj must be aware of Nicki’s utilization of alters or different personalities to express her art. An alter-ego is basically a second self with different characteristics from the original. The some of these alter egos include Martha Zolanski, Roman Zolanski, Chun li and Harajuku Barbie. The influence of the Harajuku can evidently be witnessed in many of Nicki’s outlandish costume choices over the decade. I found this look particularly iconic because it stemmed from that part of Nicki’s character that’s so child-like and creative it’s impossible to hate. I mean, cosmic hued tights with rainbow hearts? Bubble-gum pink hair and yellow heart-line tube top? Like garishly screaming yellow. Like MTN meets NRM yellow. Not that chilling shade. Silver sneakers. Sign me the hell up. Harajuku Barbie doesn’t care about the fashion norms and ideals. And that’s what I love about this look. It isn’t trying too hard, it just is.
3. VMA arrivals (2012)

Now at this point I feel hard-pressed to give a disclaimer that this is a catalogue of some of Nicki’s most iconic looks. Iconic. Not necessarily best looks. Because let me be honest with you. I hated this outfit. I hated this outfit so much I think about it every day. I would make for a horrible Ugandan because I have the firm resolution that the colors black, red and yellow do not belong together – sue me. This look embodied my dislike for the color scheme in a manner that was, to me inexcusable. Despite all this however, it was impossible for me to ignore the work that went behind the delicate looking lace fabric hugging Nicki’s skin. The red-beaded corset had its appeal too, but I was utterly thrown back by its proximity to the yellow hair. Also she had a police cap. Iconic? Definitely.
4. MTV VMAs arrivals (2015)

I feel like the world didn’t make enough noise for this side of Nicki Minaj. This dress was beyond gorgeous. I particularly like the way it doesn’t sit on her body, but rather flows over her frame to give a graceful effect. Bonus points for it being all gold. The hair was understated relative to her usual antics, but it somehow, somehow sat right with me. All round a well put together look that will forever have a place in my heart.
5. MTV VMAs arrivals (2016)

And then she did it again. The mermaid tail was the first thing that lured me in. Because that’s what this look did. It lured one in like a siren call to a weary fisherman. The cut out at her chest area was well thought out. The perfect balance of outrage and modesty is what this dress was. Don’t get me started on the color. I felt like this is a dress with a design so epic it would look good in any color, but I also feel like royal blue was the best possible choice. All in all, there was nothing I didn’t love about it.
6. MTV VMAs arrivals (2017)

This might just be my favorite Onika Maraj look of all time! It is her at the very essence of things. The love for pink and the style-defining hair. Nicki looks like bubble gum in that form fitting suit. It was so well put together, from head to toe. The accessories were just right, as well as the splash of orange on the gorgeous heels. I loved this so much I actually forgot about the camel toe!
7. MTV VMAs arrivals (2018)

At first I was like-what? She’s just wearing a swim-suit. That’s cheating! We’ve been robbed. More like Disrobed, whatever. But then I gave it a more thorough look and it grows on you. It something you can learn to love if you look at it hard enough. And I did. To me, the plain mesh skirt was pointless. But then again, it was meant to be pointless. It wasn’t stunning in the way that many of Nicki’s outfits have been, but it was playful and cute and so I loved it. I might have been biased by my adoration for her long hair done in double low ponytails though.
8. MET gala arrivals (2019)

Because if there’s anything we’ve learnt, it’s that there is no such thing as “too much pink”. My eyes were instantly drawn to the layers and layers of ruffled pink fabric that left me wondering how the hell Nicki was dragging the dress along. It was chic in the front and glamourous in the back. The theme for this year’s MET gala was camp: notes on fashion, and boy did I take several notes from this outfit. I’ll admit though, as far as the theme goes, and basing on my knowledge of the things Nicki has worn over the past years, this was a tad disappointing. She’s exuberant and flamboyant. This was too safe a look in my opinion. Didn’t make it any less iconic though.
9. ABC’s Good morning America Show (2011)

This haunted me for years and now it shall haunt you too. This was one of the weirdest displays of fashion that I have ever seen. At some point during the show, Nicki had a wardrobe malfunction that saw her flashing nipples on national television. It was crazy, it was out there. It was at the beginning of her career when she was so focused on creating a controversial image that would sell though, so I tried not to think too much of it. When you unpack this, it’s a woman with a frizzy blonde afro, shimmery pink coat, grey bra and matching leggings, with yet another useless see-through skirt thrown on top. It was bizarre. Weirdly enough though, I found the appeal in the fact that what you see is what Nicki is trying to show you. The entire outfit was successfully disturbing. Iconic.
10. Chaos to Couture Met costume gala (2013)

Yet another outfit that didn’t get the credit it deserved. At this 2013 gala, Nicki ad her famed frizzy blonde Afro hair do with dark roots and a stunning deep blue evening gown that left me at a loss for words at how perfectly it suited her frame. Everything was in dull muted colors that were so calming I couldn’t help but love it. It’s different from the Nicki we know and love, but I loved this one too. Simply Beautiful.
11. The Haider Ackermann show (2017)

There was so much to say about the whole outfit but just the top half is enough to express how bold it was. For one, in case you hadn’t noticed, Miss. Lewinsky’s entire left boob is hanging out. I mean sure, there’s a diamond taped to her nipple but let’s be honest for a sec here, it’s not like we’re gonna think there’s something other than a nipple under there? Like come on? This look had me completely and utterly shook. It is both bold and plain at the same time. There are dull colors like black and army green, her hair is plain but then again we get this whole boob spree and futuristic frames shielding a good part of her face. If this isn’t iconic then I don’t know what is.
12. Harper’s Bazaar Icons Party (2018)

Grrrrrrrrr. This woman picks a theme and sticks to it. I am particularly impressed by the hair detail. Nicki is skilled in the art of using her hair as the ultimate accessory and this feline inspired look is no different. Damn is all I can say. No complaints whatsoever. Stunning.
13. Haunted funhouse Halloween party (2015)

Crown and wand aside, I find it hilariously ironic that a Halloween party is where Nicki decided to wear one of her calmer outfits. Anyway she looks like she’s inside a cloud. The shimmery silver scheme is beautiful but the shoes betrayed on that front. I feel like they should have been silver or colorless. Overall, she looks more like a wish come true as opposed to someone who grants wishes to be honest. I love it.
14. L.A visit (2017)

Residents of Los Angeles California were gifted to an amazing optical treat when the star was sighted in the neighborhood looking like an entire snack. The best part about this image is that Nicki was just casually going about her daily business looking like that. A sensuous gladiator. I fell for this look hard. I don’t know if it’s the gold and silver ropes or the thigh high sandals but this dress captivates what I feel fashion is all about. It was bold and hella expressive, just like the wearer.
15. New York Fashion Week Spring/summer catalogue

Now to me this felt more like art than fashion. But what do I know, fashion is art. Okay, home-girl came through with a hot pink cacophony of fabric, a yellow fringe bob with sharp edges and a face like hell. I couldn’t look away. This is one of those ugly-hot outfits that are just so interesting to look at. I think the iconicness behind this outfit needs no mention. It speaks for itself.
16. Portrait session for Black Men Magazine

This was a portrait session for a magazine. It was fairly understated but I felt it deserved a place on this list by virtue of the Black-widow vibes that I was getting. As a die-hard comic geek, this picture made my week! Everybody knows orange goes stupendously well with black. This shoot played on our love for familiarity with a body hugging black ensemble that was quite reminiscent of a bad-ass Marvel character. It most definitely IS iconic.
17. Art of the In-between Met Gala (2017)

I would gladly pawn all of my meagre possessions to own even just a thread from this dress. This is probably one of the most put-together I’ve ever seen Miss Maraj. The essence of this dress is badass, sexy, serious, dangerous, and playful. Definitely a look worth remembering.
18. Staples Centre performance (2011)

I’m just gonna let this picture do the talking for itself.
19. The Daily Front Show Fashion Media Awards (2018)

G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. I’m at a loss for what I love more, the hair or the dress. The simplicity of the heels or the chunky belt clinching her wasp like waist. Nicki looks like a star in this particular image and it appears that she is well aware of this fact. Not enough people wear purple. Not enough people wear purple and look like goddesses. I shall never, for as long as I live, forget the shimmery layers of purple fringe that make up this beautiful dress. Never.
20. The Late show with David Letterman (2010)

Y’all remember this Nicki Minaj? This “You see right through me” “Your love” Nicki Minaj? I never forgot her. Nicki is undeniably gorgeous and many times we’re too distracted by her artistry that when she does something simple, we’re disappointed. She cultivated a very successful image but at its core, I’d like to think that there’s this cool, chill gal just having a good time. This look captured that essence, to me. It’s definitely hip, definitely stylish. Nicki is serving and I am eating it up with this one.
There’s so many outfits that I left out with this particular catalogue but I’d like to think I captured some of Nicki’s finest moments in the Hip-hop industry, fashion wise. I’m still hoping the whole retirement thing is a sham to boost music sales because let’s face it- no one else is going to give us the fashion that Nicki gave us. No one. (Goes to the corner to cry)