Over- secretion of melanin is known to cause dark spots or pigmentation. Some of the causes of this type of condition include: hormone imbalance, pregnancy, menopause, intake of certain medications, vitamin deficiency, mineral deficiency, intestinal disorders and stress. Severe dark spots all over the body need to be appropriately diagnosed by a doctor, as there could be underlying problems.
Many of the bleaching products that are available at medical stores and chemist shops contain bleach mixed with lubricating cream. In the end this may prove harmful to your skin. On the other hand, there are several home remedies that can (over time) achieve the same effect as those that can be found in the pharmacy.
The beauty of home remedies is that they are cheap and they have no side effects. The lemon and other fruits do not come with a long list of side effects. Below are some natural remedies for getting rid of dark areas on the face and body. These remedies take a while to work but in the end they are worth it.
1. Lemon/Lime Juice
Lemon and lime juice is strongly acidic, and the juices from both are very popular in home remedies for bleaching out dark spots. Both the juices of the lemon and lime can be used by itself to the affected areas. However, using other juices and can enhance the bleaching effect. These remedies can take up to a week or more for any discernible results to be seen.
- Lemon and honey rubbed on the dark spots and as face masks.
- Lemon juice, cucumber juice and rose water on affected areas.
- Lime juice and turmeric applied as a paste on face can fade suntans. This mixture can also be placed on elbows and knees.
2. Aloe Vera (Ekigagi)
Aloe vera is exceptional when it comes to skin regeneration. That is why it is so popular as a treatment for burns, stings and scrapes. The plant is also very effective when it comes to the fading of dark spots.
Put pure aloe juice on the affected skin twice daily. Leave the juice on for at least 45 minutes with each treatment. Dark spots should fade within a month.
3. Buttermilk
Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which is an alpha hydroxy acid. This natural acid is good for skin as it removes dead skin, dirt and excess oil. Once the top layer of the skin is removed, the skin appears lighter.
- Apply buttermilk directly to dark spots using a cotton ball.
- Mix equal parts buttermilk with lemon juice and apply as a face mask.
2. Turmeric (Ntangawuzi)
Turmeric is another popular skin lightening agent. It is said to effectively remove suntans and fades dark spots quickly.
- Turmeric, Milk and Lemon Juice applied to areas where there are dark spots.
- Turmeric, honey and olive oil- gently massaged on the face and leave on 15 minutes.
1. Avoid using soap too often as it has a tendency to dry the skin.
2. Drink plenty of water and eat fruits and vegetables as part of your daily diet.
3. Address the underlying cause of your dark spot condition. If your problem is acne, stress, constant insect bites or excessive sun exposure, take care of these issues before trying to remove the dark areas, or they will recur.
4. Limit sun exposure while using natural fade treatments, but discontinue use if you notice skin irritation. Have irregularly shaped dark spots checked by a doctor to rule out melanoma.