Meet Shakib Cham Lutaaya, a 24 year old Ugandan living and working in Gauteng South Africa. He describes his style as casual smart and straight up urban inspired by hip hop. “I love hip hop, and it has had a huge influence on my style, ” he says. Where does he shop? ” I shop from pretty much everywhere. As long as it fits my aesthetic, I won’t mind where I found it.”
That said, Shakib can’t deny he loves a nice pair of shoes. ” I definitely love shoes, I have so many pairs, and when I go out there to shop them, I’m always open-minded because, I always create my fashion ensemble starting with the shoes. ” He draws his style inspiration from himself and aptly lives by the belief that ”Behind the perfection of my style, is the passion of my soul and personality.”
Just like his love for fashion, Shakib loves to have fun. Together with his friend Mugerwa Julio, he plans to organise an event in December this year to celebrate life, success and fashion. “I believe this will be the event of the year,” he laughs. He’s still tight lipped about the details of the event though, all he can say is that, it will be at Club Play in Industrial area and will be graced by everyone from Sheebah Karungi to Ziza Bafana.
Check back everyday to see what Shakib is wearing.
What are your thoughts on Shakib’s look today? Sound off in the message box below.
Follow him on Instagram @Shakib_Cham for more style.
If you wish to be our style star next week, do get in touch.