Oliver Nakakande was on Friday 26th July crowned Miss Uganda amid drama that might have taken the light off of the beauty. She is a 24 year old Marketing student at Middlesex University Dubai. She is 5’11. She came to Uganda for her summer break and decided to use this time to participate in the Miss Uganda pageant.
Luckily, she won. The crowning moment, for her was full of shock, where she expected her opponent Bagaya Elizabeth to win over her. Even almost a week later, it still hasn’t fully hit her that she is Miss Uganda. She had been following Miss Uganda pages for years before this moment, turns out, she had wanted to sign up 3 years before but got scared and put it off each time. This time round, she was still in Dubai when she saw the call for contestants online. She called up a friend in Uganda and convinced her to fill the forms for her. Luckily she has a great friend who did just that and when she came back for summer break, it was just in time to audition.
She was surprised and a a little shaken that she actually won, but she says the outgoing Quiin Abenakyo is in touch with her and is guiding her with how to deal with all of it. Oliver is passionate about sharing with those who are less advantaged, and looks forward to using her position to help people in less favorable situations, like teenage pregnancy. She is a little intimidated by Quiin’s legacy as she managed to even win Miss World Africa, but she says there’s no need to compete, she will just build on that legacy since Quiin Abenakyo was one of the Miss Uganda winners that she admired the most.
Oliver is a fit lady with a waspy waist and it makes sense why that is so because her best hobby is going to the gym, she does so every 2 days and even refers to herself as a “gym addict”. She also loves sports like basketball and netball and continues to play them. Her free time is also spent listening to positive speakers, anyone who would have a positive word to add to her life, she definitely doesn’t allow negativity in her space. When she needs to relax after a long stressful day, meditation is the way she goes.
She still intends to finish her studies at Middlesex, however now she will switch to online classes so that she can get her degree while doing her duties.
She is most excited about sharing ideas, taking over from Quiin as well as taking on the challenge to hold the banner for Uganda to the world. We are excited to see what her reign looks like!
What do you expect from Miss Oliver Nakakande’s reign as Miss Uganda? Sound off in the comments section below.