Miss Deedan gives us a new, simple, but astonishingly creative approach to beautifying her head. She adorned a blue-green beaded headpiece with circular gold metals. The shoot had heavy inspiration from Egyptian queens and everything from the makeup, jewelry and coloring of this is to die for.
Miss Deedan shared what inspired the shoot:
“Everyone gets moody at some point(s) in their life!!! You are happy today/now, something happens and your mood changes immediately and you start even hating the way you sound, or just want to yell at something/someone!”
She adds, “Now for the ladies, these mood swings could mean many other things (PMS, Pregnancy etc.)… at the end of the day LET US NOT USE OUR MOOD SWINGS AS A FREE PASS TO BE DISRESPECTFUL!
Trust me I learned the hard way …..”
Take a look:
