Relationships are a never-ending battle of moves against moves. The pieces can easily build something as Strong as the chains of Amistad, but one wrong move concerning this subject could easily send everything you have built with her drowning faster than the Spanish Armada of 1588. If you don’t know your history, I mean, your love life will grow sour really quick.
One thing that really gives a woman confidence when she’s in a relationship is getting introduced to all the people in her man’s life. His family, friends and even your coworkers. If you do this, the devil inside her will tell her she’s on the right path.
If you are introducing a woman to your family, it is imperative to first introduce her to your rich family members. This will give her a small sense of security that at least you won’t have to forage for food once she marries you. Secondly, introduce her to some good looking members of the family and some of the adorable kids. Leave out the ones with ringworm. This is also to provide security in that she knows that you also have some good genes running in your family despite your big noses. Mothers these days want to give birth to kids they can Instagram without insta-denying.
If you are introducing her to your coworkers, make sure it’s quick and precise. However, have her be at her best warmth. Let her bring out that smile. The one that stops right at the canines. This will increase your chances of getting wedding contributions.
If you are introducing her to your friends. Always, and I mean, always give your friends a heads up. Run through your stories one more time before she comes by. For the sake of your relationship, never let them know the things she makes you do that you don’t like. They’ll hate her guts. Secondly, make sure your talkative friend is absent on the first day. He might let something about your side chic slip, yet it’s never a good thing to leave your side chic for a good woman because if she was such a good woman, you wouldn’t need a side chic. Enjoy your weekend.