
Komuntale in campaign against violence

By Farahani Mukisa

Tooro Princess Ruth Nsemere Komuntale has launched a campaign to fight gender-based violence and alleviate the plight of vulnerable women and children.


While launching the campaign, Princess Komuntale said she was touched by the increasing number of children and women who are violated and later neglected to suffer for the rest of their lives.


“Under this project we want to empower these people economically by training them in different skills such as hospitality and tourism, craftsmanship among others. I believe by equipping them with hands-on-skills, they can self-sustain in the long run,” Princess Komuntale told journalists during a tour at two babies’ homes yesterday.
She started her drive by visiting Purpose Uganda Pre-PrPrimary School and Sanyu Babies Home in Entebbe and Kampala respectively, where she donated foodstuff, laundries and other daily basic items. Ms Komuntale pledged to extend the campaign nationwide.

While receiving the Princess, Purpose Uganda director Suzan Remmie Kimera said the trend at which gender-based violence had reached was worrying and needed a check.
“Each and every day we receive an abandoned baby. We have a capacity of 50 children but sometimes we have to flex and allow in more numbers because we can’t simply let such innocent lives die amidst our restrictions,” Ms Kimera stated.

Similarly, Ms Barbara Mutagubya, the director Sanyu Babies Home, noted that there was an increase in the number of babies abandoned, which she attributed to high illiteracy and poverty rates among young mothers.


Photo credit: Geofrey Sseruyange

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