In a world where counterfeit products abound, distinguishing authentic handbags from fake replicas has become a critical skill for consumers and enthusiasts alike. With the market flooded with imitations, relying solely on brand recognition may not suffice. To help navigate this intricate landscape, industry experts offer invaluable insights and strategies for identifying counterfeit handbags. From examining craftsmanship to scrutinizing details, their expertise sheds light on the telltale signs that separate genuine luxury from fraudulent copies. Three industry experts weigh in.
Check the weight and smell
If shopping in person, the quality of the leather and stitching will be key giveaways. Make sure you consider the weight of the handbag, and even how it smells. “Feel the weight of the item, the hand of the material,” advises Hunter Thompson, director of authentication and brand compliance at The RealReal. “Strong chemical smells are a red flag,” he adds.
It’s all in the detail
As with many things in life, the details are everything. If buying online, make sure the photos are high quality and include close-ups of the item. “Do they show enough detail to include the grain of the leather, the sheen; of the hardware, the fonts?” Thompson says of the questions we should be asking.
Compare all these elements – along with the interior of the bag – to photographs of the genuine article. “Counterfeiters often cut corners on details inside of the bag, so be sure to compare it to a photo from the brand’s own website,” Thompson continues.
Look for the original box, dustbag and certificate
Check whether the bag comes with its original box, dustbag and certificate – and make sure you do your research to ensure that these are genuine. “[There] all these fake Hermès bags sold with Hermès authenticity cards [but] Hermès does not provide any certificates,” Laurie Mestchersky, head of handbags at Resee, shares as an example.
Make sure the price is right
While we all like a bargain, if the price seems too good to be true, then it probably is. “There is no bargain [when it comes to] luxury bags,” Mestchersky explains. “You can find better prices going for bags that are under the radar or [that are in need of] repair but if an iconic piece has a super low price, there is something wrong.”
Vintage fakes are easier to spot
When it comes to vintage bags, fakes are usually easier to spot – as the quality of counterfeit items back in the day was not so good. “Vintage counterfeit bags are often more obvious; many have not aged well due to cheaper materials and construction,” Thompson comments.
Leave it to the experts
If in doubt, buy from a trusted source that offers an authenticity guarantee.
This article was originally seen in Vogue UK
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