If you’re like me you’ve seen the #March2Parliament peaceful protest which transpired earlier this week. A desperate bid to fight corruption was made on Tuesday, 23rd of July with 7 demands, including the resignation of Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, cutting salaries and allowances of all MPs, as well as a lifestyle audit on all Members of Parliament.
Many of us might stay home or stay out of it, not because you don’t care but because you’ve seen what happens to those who do. It’s frightening but not futile. There’s ways to contribute to the fight against corruption without risking your life.
1. Becoming a surety:
As bond/bail conversations are taking place, protestors need sureties to stand in for them before their court dates. The people who have been arrested are not unknown hooligans, but our brothers and sisters in the struggle.

2. Donating to legal and medical support
At this current point, there are over 100 individuals who have been arrested for protesting on Tuesday, and some have been remanded until the 30th, while others await the first week of August to have a hearing. while some individuals have stepped up to offer legal aid and medical support to those who were physically affected, they need funding to be able to operate effectively. You can also donate via this GoFundMe link.

3. Visiting the arrested
Some have taken it upon themselves to visit the arrested parties, to check on their welfare and keep them in high spirits. The gentlemen at Muchison Bay Luzira have had people see them already, and if a word of encouragement is all you can manage, then join those visiting.

4. Sharing on private social media communities
We each have small spheres of influence we can talk to about this protest. Debunking misconceptions about the protests, sharing activity and looking out for those within your circles who have gone out to protest. you may not be brave enough to post to your public accounts, but the smaller conversations matter more.
Everyone is pitching in however they can, and if you’ve been thinking about how you can too…