Your wedding is the one day it gets to be all about you and the last thing you need is a difficult, clueless or outright exasperating bridesmaid. In our previous story we introduced you to Bridget, a bride whose wedding was nearly ruined by her painfully irritating bridesmaid. Like many, the hell-sent bridesmaid was a good friend which breaks the myth that good friends can’t turn into bad bridesmaids… and its for that reason that we have categorized these bad girls.
The silently jealous one
Most ladies have a “frienemy”; that one friend with whom you have a toxic love-hate relationship, that one you can’t seem to cut lose despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry… you don’t want that b*tch on your entourage. Trust me. She will work to sabotage your wedding at every opportunity; ruining surprises, hiding your earrings or even “accidentally” kicking the cake, there’s nothing too petty for her not to try.
Miss “all lights on me”
This friend has always been a show-off, she was probably popular in high school and has done outrageous things to keep in the lime-light. Guess what, your wedding will not be any different, more-so if she’s single. She’ll alter the chest area of her dress to show her cleavage, will probably have an exaggerated hairstyle or accessories to outshine the others, will book a separate salon appointment, be extra and dance like a lunatic… you will be surprised at her nonstop show-stealing tendencies.
Sergeant of complaints
You have that one friend that is always sad and unhappy, right? And her complaints over the tiniest things has often irritated you… She will actually blow out and grumble about the dresses, timing of meetings, she will whine from sunrise to sunset about everything kissed by the wind. You might want to steer clear of this one.
La Diva
She thinks the world revolves around her, including your wedding. She’ll want you to schedule cake tasting, dress shopping, spa treatments, the bachelorette party and all other arrangements around her calendar lest she won’t have your time. She’s snobbish, her nose is high in the air and maybe this aloofness has gotten you a better table at the restaurant in the past but that’s not reason to have this high and mighty lady on your brigade.

The control freak
Its all perfect as long as it is done her way; she has something to say about everything! She’ll criticize every single aspect of your wedding and might even ask for changes if she’s unhappy enough. Her opinions, changes and requests will surely get on your nerves so it’s better you leave her out to avoid public fights.
Her Royal Brokeness
There’s always that one maid that cannot afford the costs of your bridal party; she’s either in the middle of a big project, stingy, her money is tied up or she doesn’t earn as much. In this case you have to be considerate; if your budget allows, subsidize her costs or allow her the option of a less intricate style. If not, let her go. Remember that her presence and the post wedding relationship is much more important.
The deer in headlights
This one is guaranteed to annoy everyone and increase stress levels because she doesn’t know what to do. She’ll depend on other bridesmaids for direction and even if she’s the nicest person, its only a matter of time before they are done dealing with her.
If you are unsure about your maids or if you pick your maids and end up with a bad one, don’t agonize, there’s always a way to work around it.