
How To Make 2019 Your Happiest and Healthiest Year Ever

You can't afford to be unhappy this year!

We can all agree that there is no specific way to happiness, but if you tried a little harder, you can actually achieve it. The perks of being happy are countless; from being productive at your work or studies to being fun to be around. No one wants to have a grumpy person around them after all.

I spoke to some of the happiest people I know and came up with these few tips, which I believe should be your way to having the happiest and healthiest year ever.

  1. Mind your business. Stop being caught up in things that don’t concern you.  The art of minding your business is actually minding your business. Focus on you and growing yourself. When bored, get busy, re arrange your furniture or wardrobe.
  • Cut down on the time you spend on social media.  There’s just so much negative energy on the internet, spending less time there is very healthy. Instead of social media, find time to have real conversations with your peers. It will do you a lot of good.
  • Why are you still holding onto things you don’t love? Relieve yourself of everything and people you don’t need or love.  Memories will always be there, but honey you need to move on!
  • Start noticing the small details of life. Close your eyes and feel the darkness, listen to the crispiness of the wind as it sweeps your skin. Move out and pay attention to the small things such as the smell of your house, do you even know how your house smells? It’s those small things we ignore that actually matter.
  • Stand up for yourself. You deserve every bit of happiness and whoever is taking that away from you, doesn’t deserve a place in your life. It starts with you accepting that you are worthy and yes, what’s life if you are living it miserably? Not another year should go to waste. Don’t let that person use you.
  • Be part of something greater than yourself: Strive for growth in whatever you do this year, set goals and work hard towards reaching them. Go to church or mosque or where ever you feel a sense of belonging. You don’t have to stride through life as if it’s meaningless, go out there and find life, it’s been waiting long enough!
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How else are you having a smile-filled 2019? Share with us.

Cover photo credit: Crystal Newman