How do you plan to spend your holidays? What presents do you plan to share with your loved ones and what are those you wish they get for you? Here we share with you some holiday inspiration from two of our very stylish friends.
Doreen Faith

I love white Christmas, especially when it’s snowing. The snow adds something different to Christmas so I hope it snows this year! Lol. My best Christmas gift has to be be my lipstick palette. It has over 20 different colour shades so I am sort of spoilt of choice. I also use it experiment which shades suit me. My elder sister gave it to me about 3 years ago. It still looks fresh and all the colours are still there as I tend to wear it occasionally.
What is on my wish list this season is a MacBook Pro. I need a new laptop. It’s about time I updated my gadget collection. I like Christmas gifts which are essential, something that I can look at and say: Oh! Someone gave me that for Christmas 3 years ago. So gadgets or anything in the line of clothing would be my ideal Christmas present this year.
Mercy Adrea

Every gift I get on Christmas is a special one. My family and friends take their time and effort to think of what I like so to me that’s really special. I treasure every single gift I’ve ever received. However a pair of Manolo Bhlaniks shoes is what is on top of my wish list this season. I enjoy reading so my top 100 books to read are on the wish list as well. I wouldn’t also mind a new laptop and camera and lenses.
The ideal gift during this season is I think something they’ve been talking about all the time. Something you know they’ve wished to get all year-long but were probably short of funds or time to get it. This is something that will blow them away.
My most memorable Christmas is one I had back in Kampala when my whole family was present. It was a real celebration with lots of merry-making, music and food. It was epic.
What do you think is the ideal gift to share during this season?