So we all heard the directive yesterday; H.E Kaguta Museveni just let us know that it is time to take our safety seriously and take preventative methods against the pandemic that has shaken the world, Coronavirus. Part of that includes cutting down on social interaction like going out to events, hugging and the like. This is to go down for the next 30 or so days, but while we may be restricted in movements and general ‘enjoyments’ does it mean we cannot still have a good time?
Let’s look at some ideas on how to make the most of this trying time to see what we can do to pass the time:
Let’s bring high school holiday vibes back and load some free calls. I know we may miss our friends and texting sometimes isn’t enough. How about a conference call? Get the squad together and cause havoc at a safe distance!
Streaming: youtube/netflix/etc…
If you have a few mbs to spare, now would be a great time to catch up with all your favourite YouTubers, or discover new ones. Perfect your makeup game or learn how to install a wig, do whatever. When you get Netflix they give you one month free, which is perfect timing, use your free month during this time and exhaust all the series and movies you can, then cancel your subscription once we are free again. Or continue with it, I mean, your choice ba dia.
Read a book/podcast/audiobook:
If you’re like me, you would want to spend your free time enriching your mind. Do that with that book that has been lying on your shelf, the one you say you will get to. You know the one i’m talking about. If you’re not into reading, you can still get valuable information through podcasts, and audiobooks.
Do-It-Yourself projects:
You said you wanted to start on that palette interior decor idea you saw on Pinterest. You took a screenshot, you haven’t gotten into it, yet you have all the things you need lying around. If you have the extra time, get to it! Put on some music, or a podcast, and get to building! the 30 days will elapse with your space looking prettier, who is the winner here?

Learn how to cook:
Yes you were used to Mama Brown’s nice katogo at work, or the sumptuous meals you got from your favourite hangout spot. Well, in case you didn’t want to spend more money during a time like this, it would be cool if you learnt how to make something to eat for yourself. There is a Ugandan blogger with a cookbook full of authentically Ugandan recipes, maybe try a few out. Click here to check out A Kitchen In Uganda.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Sophie M | Food Explorer (@akitcheninuganda) on
Have fun on social media
Whether your preference is Facebook, Twitter or even Tik Tok, there’s a lot to distract us on social media. Catch up with friends, make jokes, or scroll and laugh at the jokes that are constantly churning out, we cannot discount that social media might be a great way to spend some of your time. Let’s face it, from our parents to our nieces, we are a little bit adddicted to the social media sites, let’s not act like these 30 days will make much of a difference. Snap away and have a light moment!
Spend time with family (in a healthy way)
Hopefully your family is healthy, but now when many companies are sending their employees home and schools are closing, it is the perfect time to spend time with your loved ones. Find out more about them, what is paining them, what they are obsessed with; ask your little sister what series she is catching now and join her in watching. Help your mother with the chores, play with your baby brother. It’s a trying time and we need each other now more than ever. Just, maybe chill with the hugs?
Watch less content about Coronavirus:
It may be enticing to spend all your time following all the statistics of where the virus has reached, and how many more people have died, but it might be more helpful to stay away from the mess, lest get anxious and worried. You don’t want to fall sick without even catching the virus, do you?
Start a new soap opera:
They are long running, they are dramatic, they are entertaining. Take your pick of any of the vast telenovellas out there and find one to follow. Even if there’s one that is already underway, it can be a fun challenge to see if you can catch up with the plot halfway through. Start one with the squad and share theories between episodes.
It’s a stressful time, that’s true. Maybe take a moment to breathe, and just focus on that. Meditation is known to be an effective way to curb anxiety, and whether you choose to meditate or pray, or do yoga, just attempt to get out of your mind and focus on the moment. Be present. That might be the best gift you could get yourself (and it’s free!)
Start a journal:
Keeping a journal can be a helpful way to get your thoughts out and effectively reflect. Who knows? You could come out of these next 30 days more clear with where you want to take this life thing, maybe you could have sorted that emotional mess you kept pushing down and saving for later. Later is now. Which brings us to the next point:
Reflect on the things you’re grateful for:
It’s entirely too easy to see the whole mess that is going on and think about how 2020 needs to be put in rice. Don’t let the fact that the world keeps throwing us curveballs keep you away from the very real things we could be more thankful for. It would be different for everyone, but write down the things you’re thankful for, like your loved ones, how much you’ve grown, the goals you’ve achieved, all that and more. When you take your mind away from the negative around you, you render it powerless.
Make yourself useful around the house:
There’s that doorknob you wanted to replace, replace it. The cute top is missing a button, replace it. The store is messy, sort it out. There are all these things we kept putting off because we come home late and leave early. Now you are home, anha? There’s no need to continue ignoring them.
Check on old friends:
Your bestie from high school who you haven’t really heard from in a while? The former colleague who transferred to another country? The neighbor who moved a couple of years ago? I know you still have their contacts, give someone a call and check on them. Check to see if they are happy and healthy, maybe reminisce about the fun times. But please don’t take this as a sign to call up your ex, sis! If he dies he dies. There’s no use reopening that mess. Ateh it’s the toxic ones who are most enticing to call. DON’T! We mean the good friends.
Lastly, wash your hands and stay safe