When it comes to fashion, September is a month that as definitely started off with a bang. Without further ado, here are some of the looks that made me either really happy, or want to set my eyes on fire and gorge them out with a carving knife. (There was no in-between)
1 Nina Mirembe:

I am sold. 100% sold and bought by this look. It’s impossible to be unhappy while looking at something so exciting. The pop of color sits right with your skin. At first I was skeptic about the lime-green braids but honestly, this entire outfit screams “Why the hell not?” The feather detail however is what roped me in. This is an aesthetic. Beautiful.
2. Lydia Jazmine:

This is, at first glance- glamourous. But when I scrutinize it further, I’m not particularly enthralled by the hair or the dress (It looks like your basic little black dress- but with holes) But It’s well put together. I also have a deep-ingrained respect for women who can rock red lipstick as well as you do. The shoes are beyond gorgeous. I mean so what if you had to be carried off set after this photoshoot because those shoes look painfully unwalkable in. Beauty is pain gurl. Stunt on.
3. Luka Sabbat:

Okay I have never been a fan of yours. (Pause as Grown-ish fans curse me to oblivion) But I might just become one because of this particular look. Dem shooooooesssss. This has a retro-hipster vibe and I am an absolute whore for the long locs. Anyone else getting Miguel vibes or is it just me? Yes to the leather jacket. Yes to the frames. Yes to the tiny cigarette you’re pretentiously grasping in your right hand. Yes. Yes. Yes.
4. Juliana Kanyomozi:

Two things in this world are definite. One; That the gomesi is a timeless piece of fashion. Two; That Juliana Kanyomozi is a queen. What do you get when you combine the two? This gorgeous looking ensemble. Kudos to whoever fashioned the royal blue and baby pink design for this busuuti. I have no complaints. Juliana looks regal, but let’s be honest-when doesn’t she?
5. Halima Aden:

Girl out here looking like a fabulous version of the evil step-mother in snow white. And I’m not complaining. I am the opposite of complaining. The satiny shine of the cloak looks good both on your skin and against the back-drop. This is a photoshoot worthy look. The black turtle neck is exactly what that cloak needed and there is no doubt that serious thought was put into the conceptualization of something so beautiful. It is a memorable piece.
6. Judith Heard:

A whole-ass fashion icon and this is the best you could do? (sigh) When I squint hard enough, I can try to make out the design of your outfit. And it is absolutely lovely. But I do not want to squint. There. Is. No. Color. The whole cloth blends into itself and you end up looking like death at a funeral. I am against black for events such as these, but I’m willing to make excuses when the wearer does it just right. And darling, this ain’t it. I can hardly make up the beautiful corset like top and your face is swamped under that veil-like mass of cloth and honestly I’m just disappointed?
7. Slick Woods:

This is… for lack of a better word-dope. It’s dope. The mint green with a velvetty sheen is a unique combination that not doubt left a lasting impact on the carpet. It’s an evidently complex design with the puffy sleeves and seamingly endless ruffles. It’s something I can totally see Rihanna wearing. What’s not to love? Bonus points for the purple lipstick and clean scruff. I feel like the shades need to go though.
8. Anne Kansiime:

I think I understand what you were trying to accomplish here and if I am correct then you nailed it. This is the kind of outfit that becomes less ugly the longer you stare at it. I’ve stared at it long and hard and have come to the conclusion that if the skirt were just a smidge shorter – it would be perfect. The top is beautiful. I love the cut. I love it, so much I’m willing to overlook the unnecessary bulk of the shoes. The braids are an interesting addition as well. Coupled with the blue lipstick, it gives off a chic native doctor vibe. (In the best possible way) I don’t understand it – but I like it.
9. Spice Diana:

Let’s unpack this. Whatever is going on around your abdominal area needs to stop. Just the confusion in that one part has ruined a potentially good outfit for me. I’m quite furious actually. Also, nobody wants to see your camel-toe. Perfect hair and perfect make-up ruined by the senseless addition of “accessories.” I honestly can’t even.
10. Anok Yai:

I have never been so vehemently deterred from and viciously attracted to an outfit in my entire life. This is the most beautiful ugly dress that mine eyes hath set sights upon. Gurl, you’re beautiful. You’re dripping dark chocolate. Absolutely gorgeous. I just need a moment to wrap my head around your garment because wow. It’s looks like something I’d conjure up when on an acid trip. It’s definitely not my style, but it’s so aesthetic I can’t help but love it. Also there is a golden lizard dangling off your earlobes. I can’t grade this because I’m not entirely sure about the way it makes me feel. Its definitely creative. Definitely artistic. Lend Judith some of your color.
11. Ebuka:

I’m actually in tears from how beautiful this is. The entire outfit is ethereal. From head to toe. The thing is it manages to be one color and so many colors at the same time. I could stare at it for the better part of my life and it would never grow stale. Hair cut is on fleek, as are the shoes. Men-gather around and take notes.
12. Gabrielle Union:

Everyone knows Gabrielle Union is gorgeous. She doesn’t have to prove it-and yet she does. Monochrome is beautiful when well executed and Gabrielle, you look like a shiny award. The broad shoulder pads give this outfit an unexpectedly beautiful lift although I have my set-backs about the hair. I feel like there was so much wasted potential. Other-wise, no one needs accessories with a suit this dazzling. I am eating this look up and coming back for seconds.
13. Fik Fameica:

What-on God’s green earth is going on here? Wow. Okay. Okay. I really do try to be a nice person but this outfit is testing me. I love the color. I love the color so much. And I’d love it more if you weren’t wearing a raincoat (read: garbage bag) masquerading as a top. What is going on here? Return your little brothers school shoes and try again next time. Love the hair tho.
14. Normani:

If a lemon got dipped in chocolate and frozen over, this would be it. I mean this comment I the very best way possible. Normani is gorgeous. And the valencia colored under suit effortlessly brings out this fact. But I’m in love with the mesh shawl draping over the right side of her body. It looks like ice in motion. I can’t imagine a better hairstyle or accessories. And to top (bottom) it off, she wore nude heels. This is beyond beautiful.
15. Vinka:

This wouldn’t be a bad look if I didn’t find the dress absolutely hideous. I’m sorry. (No I’m not) but that ugly flower bow needs to go. That might just save the look, but even then, the side pony-tail comes off as inherently childish and uncreative. Okay you know what, I’m being too negative. There are some good things about this picture. The background for instance, is really beautiful.
16. Ashley Graham:

How many women do you know who can wear their baby bumps like a fully-fledged fashion accessory? Ashley-you look good. I’m not a ruffles person but the bottom fringe is just what this swimsuit-esque dress (that is a dress, right?) needed. What I love the most however is the nails and the adorable flower crown to top it off like the queen you are. Absolutely seamless get up.
17. Drake:

This outfit is putting me to sleep and fast. Yawn…..
18. Zendaya:

I’m not one for decorum, but I absolutely had to save this one for last. Guys Zendaya could step on my throat and rip out my spinal cord and I’d thank her. This is how you pull off a dark palette. (Stares at Judith Heard) I’m at an absolute loss for where to begin, this girl has dedicatedly been serving looks and this androgynous piece is no different. The cut exceptionally flatters her lithe frame and the hair sets it off beautifully. Like a perfect balance between rugged and formal. A whole mood. There is no number on the scale that can describe how I feel about this look.