
Douglas Lwanga Moderates First Uganda Music Association Election Debate and Azawi Announces her Deluxe Album

A roundup of the latest entertainment news

1.  Douglas Lwanga Moderates Uganda Music Association Election’s First National Debate

Saturday saw the start of the final leg of Uganda Music Association’s elections. This was a national debate, which took place at Next Media Park and moderated by Douglas Lwanga with host Anatalia Oze.

Contenders for the UMA presidential seat Cindy Sanyu and Lord Bitem were present while King Saha glaringly absent.

The debate aired live on NBS television for music fans to watch.

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Photo Credit: Next Media Productions

2. Azawi Announces Deluxe Album

Break-out-star Azawi took to twitter over the weekend to announce her deluxe album and left a lot of fans in anticipation.

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