
Doreen Week

It’s Doreen Week here on SatisfashionUG. It is the week where all your fashion dreams are going to come true. As it’s this website’s covenant role to exhaust all you wish to know and hear about fashion, I’m here to make it all happen.

Not that the team here hasn’t been doing so but I’m here to shake things up. I’m very excited about this. I’m a huge fan of this website and could not have been more grateful to contribute directly to it.

Expect fun exciting and informative content. Stories, articles and posts that will impact positively on your life.  One of my passions is business – I’ll be sharing a lot of business ideas in line with fashion. I believe everyone can be successful in business if they choose to do what they are most passionate about.

Lastly we are getting into Easter holidays. It’s my pleasure to wish all of you a great Easter holiday. Make sure you make merry with those you care about. Otherwise it’s Doreen Week.

Follow the action on the hashtag #DoreenWeek.

Follow me on twitter @DoreenFaith

Facebook: Doreen Faith

Doreen Faith

READ ALSO:  Fashion and style in the eyes of Ms Faith