
Daisy on Fess, Fashion and her new music video

She was one of our favorite contestants on Tusker Project Fame 6. Her voice and star power always swept us away when she got on stage to perform. Now months after the hit show where she was a finalist, she’s not taking any leaps. She released the music video for her new song ‘Teko’ yesterday.

Here she answers questions on life, music and the man we all thought she was in love with on TPF6.

You released your new music video yesterday. It’s a real work of art. Congratulations on that milestone.

Thank you for appreciating. Well I thought a simple but quality video would do the song justice. I didn’t know that it would come out like it did. I’m very grateful that the video editors did a great job with it.

It’s a really nice video. I’ve been told that the song is the ‘Lord’s prayer‘ only translated to Langi. Is this true?

Yes that is true. Especially the verse that says lead me not into temptation but deliver me from all evil. The song in it self is a prayer that everyone at one point says. “mia teko” give me strength. So yes partly it is the Lord’s prayer.

Do you know that the first time my friends and I listened to it, we just twerked away? Wasn’t that so evil of us?

Hahahahha hahaha …Ooh really? It depends on what was going on in your mind while you were twerking.

What does Ana leego mean?

Ana leego means I am praying … so mia teko ana leegoo. Give me strength I pray. This also explains the prayer sign in the video.

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I’m learning Langi. This is nice.  So how has the music industry been to you these past few months?

I must say that  it has really been challenging but then again its worth the fight. I’ve also met very nice people who have held my hand through it all especially the media. You guys have made me famous (wink wink)! I’m so grateful to my fans. Not winning TPF didn’t stop them from believing in me and appreciating the little I had done. Which for me is enough to keep me moving being the lioness that I am.

How much did Tusker Project Fame change about your life and aspirations?

TPF did a great deal for me. It gave me a platform which would have taken me years to achieve.  In two months my status was changed from private to public. The challenge I was left with was to maintain it. I’m not yet where I want to be though.

Weren’t you disappointed not winning?

Of course I was but not enough to put me down. My eyes were only fixed on the prize which was to become a world reknown artiste. Winning TPF was not reason enough for me to give up on my dream rather. I know that with God on my side all is possible. The journey started when TPF6 ended. That now is the real world.

daisy 3Fess is a a good friend of mine. That is all!

You were in Nairobi recently and shared photos of you and Fess. What do you think about Fess? I have to admit that you two make a great couple.

Interesting. Do you look up to any Ugandan artistes?

Well. I think they all do a good job and I respect all of them.

What is the one fashion trend that irritates you?

I haven’t found one yet. I’m adventurous and appreciate fashion as an art.

daisy 5Daisy with fellow Ugandan contestants wearing the polka dot skirt.

What is the biggest fashion risk you’ve ever taken?

That has to be the opening gala of TPF. I didn’t know how it was going to come out. The skirt was a little shorter than what I was used to. However it worked in my favor.

What should we expect from Daisy in the time to come?

You should expect the best. Like I said with God all is possible.

Here is her new music video Teko


Photo credit: Samson Baranga/FashionPolice256