In celebration of Uganda’s independence day, body artist, Bella Art, has written this heartfelt letter to Uganda, accompanied with a stunning photo shoot.
See below
Dear Uganda, my mother land, the Pearl of Africa, you have come along way but still far you have to go, you have nurtured me , taught me and allowed me to freely live , dare I say thrive for the past 27 years.
Everything I have, Everyone I know, Everything I am, I owe in part to you.
I’ve called you my home ever sense I was a child, and as children do, I didn’t know I was In a Great country. Growing up I didn’t have the wits to figure out that when I swallowed orange fruit seeds ,my body wouldn’t morph Into an orange tree, or to know that attempting an air kick wouldn’t grant me Golola like super strength, but regardless of my lack of common sense, I’ve always had a general impression of what was right, what was wrong, and what was fair.
My parents taught me these concepts from a young age, providing me with lessons in fairness by constantly displaying the value in characteristics such as respect, responsibility, and empathy. I knew that all of the wonderful things in my family’s procession came into our lives as a direct result of my parent’s hard work, and that taught me respect. I knew that my mother and father took advantage of every opportunity they could along the way to provide a better life for my siblings and I, and that taught me responsibility. For one reason or another, My parents chose to take several schools, which exposed me to the concept of diversity, as a result, my friends stemmed from all walks of life, and learning from their perspectives taught me empathy. While it was my parents who so lovingly insisted I learn these lessons, I saw their parental decisions as a reflection of the environment around me, Growing up, I didn’t always know I lived in a great country, because from when I was born , I have seen only one president, but I have felt safer than the stories I hear about the older generation…..
Ohh #Uganda, May God uphold the, we lay our future in thy hand. FOR GOD AND MY COUNTRY!

Credit: Bella Art