In honour of Carol Azungi Dralega’s 50th birthday today, the Ugandan Researcher and Associate Professor, whose life story is the subject of our May cover story (see it here), looks back into her life thus far to share 8 crucial lessons.
- Hard work pays
It really does! The YouTube children, who think everything comes easy, no it doesn’t. It’s important to work hard for what you get. Just don’t sit back and expect to receive. You need to go out there and do your bit.
- Perseverance
Never give up because life is not a straight line. Like my dad always said, it’s not a bed of roses. There are always ups and downs, stay laser-focused on your goals. When the downs come, persevere.

- Be critical
Listen to yourself and say ‘No,’ when you must. If something is wrong, you need to say No and walk away or get help. Rebel if something wrong is going on around you. And for parents, it’s okay when children question your decisions. Be calm and explain it to them because we want the children of the future to be critical citizens – to be able to criticize wrong leadership, to be able to be critical of their own live-choices, in order to improve. Let’s train children to speak up and understand that their voices matter.
- Demands of life never end, pause and smell the roses
This is for us in the working space. Demands of life never cease; you’re either working, or you have family to care of, and other community responsibilities. For many of us, there is never time for self care and love. Every so often, check in on yourself, how are you really doing? The point is to remember to find out what you enjoy doing and do more of it. Stop and smell the roses. Do something for you, frequently and it could be as simple as a few minutes to have a cup of tea in total peace, or a laugh with friends – some call it ‘me time’.
- Be humble, be kind
However high on the ladder you go, however low you are, just be humble and kind. Imagine if everyone was, the world would be a better place.
- Forgive and move on
Remember that holding unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping that it harms your abuser. It is unhealthy. Forgive (and pray for) those that wrong you. Do it for yourself, please. The Lord’s prayer is a good daily guide. It also helps to talk to someone who cares.
- Believe in yourself
You’re here on this earth for a purpose. We are all unique and special. We’ve all equally inherited this earth; nobody has the right to tell you otherwise. Love, trust, believe and be kind to yourself. Tell yourself that you are enough.

- Love and trust in God
Stay anchored to the Lord. Invite the Holy Spirit in every single decision you make. Invite the Lord to guide you. When you are working hard, persevering, rebelling, smelling the roses, when you are being humble and when you believe in yourself, invite the Lord. It’s an overarching takeaway.