In a captivating collaboration between model Anyon Asola and the artistic lens of Justin Dingwall, a mesmerizing photo spread unfolds. Asola takes center stage adorned in ethereal white ensembles crafted from delicate materials such as paper, tulle, and silk. The garments, each a work of art in itself, cling gracefully to her form, emphasizing the symbiosis between fashion and the human canvas. In this visual symphony, Asola transcends mere modeling; she becomes an embodiment of elegance and creativity, seamlessly blending with the avant-garde vision brought to life by Dingwall’s artistic direction.
The photo spread not only showcases Asola’s ability to command attention with her unique poses but also introduces an additional layer of artistic expression through the presence of white Paper Bird sculptures. These sculptures, strategically placed throughout the shoot, contribute to the overall narrative, adding an element of symbolism and visual poetry. Amidst the carefully orchestrated composition, Asola’s melanin-rich skin emerges as a radiant star, standing as a testament to the celebration of diversity and natural beauty. The photospread emerges as a harmonious dance between fashion, art, and the inherent allure of individuality.
See the photo series below:
Model: @anyonasola | Stylist: @chloe_andrea_the_stylist | Makeup: @keljeans Paper Bird sculpture: @vanessasnyders | Art Director & Photographer @justin_dingwall