Dear Jackie,
I want to begin by telling you: I’m a big fan of your music. I have to admit, I’ve never attended any of your concerts, I’m not very outgoing, but I practically know and have listened to every song you’ve released. There’s always been something fascinating about you that made me feel drawn to you. It’s like I’ve grown up with you.
The first time I saw you was on Cocacola Popstar, the TV show that launched BLU3. I remember vividly, how the team visited your family to break the news, that you had been picked up as one of the winners of the show. I think I was 13 then, the events are still fresh on my mind. You came off as the underdog in the group, the dark skinned girl who wasn’t as tall as Cindy, or as vocally endowed as Lillian. You weren’t proficient in Luganda, but most songs were done in the language and in interviews with Luganda shows, you struggled. But, you seemed to be the tough one, the one who always perfected the dance moves. I could relate with everything that was going on with you.
All through school, I looked up to you. In my circle of girlfriends, I was the one with the dark skin complexion, and could barely speak Luganda. But, was the one they depended on when anyone fell off the radar. I was the one with the tough skin, the one who would let everyone know that, we’ve had enough play time, it’s time to read. This still went on when BLU3 disbanded, and you released Agassi. I felt like you were breaking free. Like, you were letting loose and breaking the boundaries the group had made for you. The goth makeup, the dance routine and the black outfit you wore in the video, were sending a message. “Here I am, Jackie Chandiru, and this is what makes me happy!” The story goes on, with one triumph after another.
Last week, photos of you looking broken and lost, made the rounds on social media. I honestly had never believed the rumours, that you were battling drug addiction until I saw the photos. Social media has been really harsh to you, which is not surprising. I was disappointed too. But, we all don’t know what you have been going through. We all go through dark times, when we feel like, we can’t take it anymore. When nothing makes sense anymore. What’s different is, we deal with those upheavals behind our curtains at home, privately. That luxury you don’t have!
Just like I have shared above, you have been a strong smart confident woman. You could not have gotten where you are, without a tough skin. I want you to look within you and find that Jackie. I know you can. Fight relentlessly. There’s still a lot ahead of you. You are great performer and seem to have a good heart. Focus on that, and fight harder. I’m sure I represent a good number of fans of yours, who don’t only love your music but relate with you as a person. Think about that too, and fight even harder. You’ve grown from a small dark skinned naïve girl, to a formidable star, who has performed all over the world. You have gone through tough times, under the scrutiny of tabloids, and social media, but still emerged triumphant. Don’t let this take all that victory away.
I believe you could have made it without a hitch, but when your privacy was stripped away last week, things must have become harder to grapple with. But, we are with you in this. I can’t judge you, I have no idea what you have been through. I’ve done many things I’m not very proud of as well, but I have the luxury to hide those skeletons under my bed. You can’t.
Don’t give up fighting and let social media trolls emerge victors. This too shall pass.
Big Big Fan
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