The highly anticipated AMVCAS are set to take place today Saturday 14th May 18:00pm EA time live from Lagos, the capital of Nigeria with host Bonang Matheba and Ike Osakioduwa. But as we countdown to that final hour, here is what you need to know about the Ugandan nominated movies in the category of “Best East African Movie”
1. A Girl in a yellow jumper-Loukman Ali
The Girl in the Yellow Jumper is a Ugandan mystery-thriller produced by Moroco Omari and directed by Loukman Ali. It was announced that the film would premiere in Kampala on 18 April 2020 and quickly took to streaming fame as it was the first original Ugandan movie to stream on Netflix..

It follows a man who escapes a hostage situation only to find himself in deeper trouble. It stars Rehema Nanfuka, Philip Luswata, Michael Wawuyo Jr., Michael Wawuyo, Oyenbot and Maurice Kirya.
A man is watching a television report on the “Cigarette Butt serial Killer” when he is taken hostage by a mysterious figure wearing a yellow jumper.
Later, he is found by a highway, disheveled and wearing a yellow jumper, and is rescued by an off-duty cop, who is driving an elderly crime witness (who is implied to be connected with the Cigarette Butt Serial Killer case) to a police station back in the city. The man tells his story:
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2. My husband’s Wife – Ndagire Mariam
My husband’s Wife is a Ugandan drama produced and directed by singer and songwriter Mariam Ndagire. The movie bagged three accolades; Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Ugandan Feature Film in the annual Pearl International Film Festival (PIFF). Ndagire assembles a convincing cast of John Mary Ssekimpi, Tania Shakirah Kankindi, Symon Base Kalema and Winfred Nafula.
“I haven’t won an award for Best Feature Film in a major festival like this one so I am overly excited. This win shows that I have evolved into an outstanding filmmaker. I am hoping for more in the future,” the elated Mariam Ndagire Kizito, a self-taught filmmaker and entertainment entrepreneur, told Daily Monitor.
The plot of the movie is anchored on marital challenges. A happy couple suddenly must deal with and struggle with tough choices when their healthy son falls (hard) in a bathroom, leaving him disabled.
His states and the decisions they must take there after seriously puts their matrimonial vows at a test.
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