When we think of body shame and physical insecurities, most people think of women. However, a 2016 Chapman University study found only 28% of men are very or extremely satisfied with their appearance and weight.
Is it any surprise though when we turn on our TVs or go to the theater and see men like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Chris Hemsworth? Believe it or not, their physique is not the average male body!
Dissatisfaction and insecurity lead to men trying to compensate with their clothes or presentation. Unwittingly, they commit one of these seven style mistakes.
I’m going to lay out exactly how men fall into these traps and explain how you can dodge them like Neo in The Matrix.
Let’s kick things off with the top mistake I see men making!
Style Mistakes Men Make
#1: Not Leveraging The Full Power Of Fragrances
The first style mistake men make? Gents, it’s not having a strategy when applying a fragrance. Yes, colognes are a great way to associate yourself with a pleasant, fresh aroma. But, too many men apply them incorrectly.

The two biggest mistakes men make are:
- Spraying cologne into the air and walking into the ‘cloud’, missing most of it and ensuring it doesn’t last long.
- Over-correcting and spraying too much in one area, making the scent overwhelming.
#2: Buttoning the Bottom Button
Logic would tell you that if there are two buttons on a suit jacket, five buttons on a waistcoat and four buttons on a cardigan that you should button them all.
This is not the case in menswear as the bottom button in all of those instances is meant to remain undone.

Why? It dates back to King Edward VII, a man with a ‘robust’ figure who couldn’t fit into his waistcoat or suit jacket. Because they didn’t fit well, he left the bottom button undone. As a king, he was a leading influencer of the time and others followed suit, starting a trend that remains a menswear custom today.
Here’s a handy checklist for the buttons on suits, starting with the topmost button on whatever jacket style you are wearing. Remember:
3 buttons?
- Sometimes,
- Always,
- Never
2 buttons?
- Always,
- Never
1 button?
#3: Not Finding The Perfect Fit For You
It doesn’t matter if you are overweight and trying to hide your problem areas or skinny and attempting to conceal it underneath a pile of clothes. The truth is, trying to hide reality under ill-fitting clothes only serves to draw attention to the issue.

When an overweight man wears baggy clothes, it only adds extra bulk to his frame, making him look bigger than he really is. When a skinny man wears overly large clothing to hide his frame, he only succeeds in making it seem as though he cannot fill out his clothing – effectively looking like a boy in men’s clothes.
No matter if you feel you are overweight or underweight, wearing clothes that are proportional and fit your frame is the best way to accentuate your best qualities instead of hiding what you feel are your worst.
#4: Copying The Wrong Style For You
When a man is trying to find his look or is unsure where to begin finding his own sense of style, where do they look? It is only natural that they turn to movie stars, style icons and influencers. Men start out by emulating the looks of celebrities with a similar body shape, hair and look that resonates with them. A natural progression begins to take place where a man learns what works for him and what doesn’t.
On occasion though, a guy can start to love a look even if it isn’t his. Nothing can tank a man’s style more than trying to emulate the look of someone who doesn’t look like him and has a totally different sense of style. Instead of a personal style perfect for him and his personality which can be worn with confidence, the man ends up wearing a costume.
Embrace trial and error. No guy will nail their style the first time, it’s a process of constant experimentation and refinement. Even with years of experience, I am still trying new things and exploring new aspects of men’s style.